Thursday, May 19, 2022

Database properties for entity type and view shapes columns fields

You can set column and field properties for Entity, Type, and View shapes as follows.

Physical Name column

Type the name of the column.

Data Type column

For the Entity shape, click the type of data that will be entered in the column. For object relational databases, type the complex type.

Req'd column

For the Entity shape, select this check box to specify that the column cannot contain NULL values.

PK column

For the Entity shape, select this check box to specify that the column is a primary key for the table.

This check box is not available for the View and Type shapes.


Click to add a column.


Click to delete the selected column or columns.


Click to open the Column Properties dialog box, in which you can set additional options for the selected column.

Move Up

Click to reorder the columns in this list and in your diagram.

Move Down

Click to reorder the columns in this list and in your diagram.

Portable data type

Click to show the data types that are not driver-specific.

Physical data type

Click to show the data type used by the driver you selected.

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