Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Change text size in immersive reader for office for the web and onenote

  1. Sign in to your account at Office.com, select Word, or OneNote. Open your document, or a notebook page and select View > Immersive Reader  Icon for Immersive Reader

    • For OneNote for Windows 10, open the OneNote app and select a notebook, then select View > Immersive Reader  Icon for Immersive Reader

    • For Outlook for the web, log in at Office.com, select Mail, and open an email. Select the More Options icon ( ... ) then Show in Immersive Reader.

  2. Select the icon that looks like two As to open Text Options.

    Text Options Menu in Immersive Reader p
  3. Under the label Text Size, select a point on the line to change the size. Move to the right to increase text size and move to the left to decrease it.

  1. Open the OneNote app, then select Learning Tools > Immersive Reader.

  2. Select the icon that looks like two As to open Text Options.

    Text Options Menu in Immersive Reader
  3. Under the label Text Size, select the smaller A to make the text smaller, and the larger A to make the text bigger. 

Read about other ways you can use Immersive Reader for OneNote to improve reading and writing skills.

Learn More

Use Immersive Reader for Office for the web and OneNote

Reduce letter crowding in Immersive Reader for Office for the web and OneNote

Change font in Immersive Reader for Office for the web and OneNote

Change Background  for Immersive Reader for Office for the web and OneNote

Transform speech to text in Learning Tools for OneNote desktop

Use Lines Focus in Immersive Reader for Office for the web

Learning Tools to improve reading and writing skills 

Additional resources for educators

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