Monday, January 16, 2017

Goal: Print project information

Goal: Print project information

After your project is scheduled, you may want to distribute the most current project information to team members or other stakeholders. You can display the task or resource information that you want and format it to create professional results with every printout.

Tip: This article is part of a series of articles within the Project Map that describe a broad set of project management activities. We call these activities "goals" because they are organized around the project management life cycle: Build a plan, track and manage a project, and close a project.

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hand grasping file folders

number 1 Print the project information that is displayed in a view     If the view contains the information that you want, you can just set the print options and then send the file to a printer or plotter.

Click all of the following that apply:

Number 2 Print summarized project information in a report      To present specific information in a professional format, you can select a predefined report or create a custom report, set the print options, and then send the report to a printer or plotter.

Click all of the following that apply:

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