Monday, December 12, 2016

Session Details

Session Details

Subject. Subject of the meeting.

Start Time. Scheduled start time of the meeting.

End Time. Scheduled end time of the meeting.

Presenter URL. URL of the Join Meeting page for Presenters.

Attendee URL. URL of the Join Meeting page for Attendees.

Meeting ID. Meeting ID.

Presenter Entry Code. Key used by Presenters to join the meeting.

Attendee Entry Code. Key used by Attendees to join the meeting.


Join As Presenter. Joins you to the meeting as a Presenter.

Join As Attendee. Joins you to the meeting as an Attendee.

Update Meeting. Opens Schedule Meeting invitation.

Meeting Options. Opens Meeting Options.

View Recording Info Opens recording page for meeting recording.

When you use the Actions menu to join the meeting, the meeting console will launch. You do not have to supply the meeting ID or meeting key, but you may have to enter your e-mail address and company name, if the meeting is configured for extended registration.

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