Quick Start: Save a workbook in Excel Starter
When you interrupt your work or quit, you must save your workbook, or you will lose your work. When you save your workbook, the workbook is saved as a file on your computer, where you can open it later to modify it and print it.
| Click Save (Keyboard shortcut: Press CTRL+S.) If this workbook was already saved as a file, any changes you made are immediately saved in the workbook, and you can continue working. |
| If this is a new workbook that you have not yet saved, type a name for it. Notes:
* (Asterisk) | (Vertical bar) \ (Back slash) ? (Question mark) : (Colon) >< (Less-than or greater-than sign) " (Double quotation mark)
| Click Save. |
Next steps
Now that you know the basics of saving a workbook, see the following topic for instructions on how to open a workbook:
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