Friday, December 2, 2016

Print a chart

Print a chart

Before you print a chart, you can adjust where the chart will print on the page by moving and sizing the chart in Page Layout or Page Break Preview view. You can also quickly print a chart without the worksheet data.

For faster printing, you can change the print quality of the chart to draft quality or black and white printing.

What do you want to do?

Print a chart with worksheet data

Print a chart without worksheet data

Set page options for a chart

Set page margins for a chart

Change the print quality of a chart

Print a chart with worksheet data

  1. Click the worksheet that contains the chart that you want to print.

  2. On the View tab, in the Workbook Views group, click Page Layout or Page Break Preview.

    Excel Ribbon Image

  3. To move the chart, drag it to a preferred location on the page that you want to print.

  4. To resize the chart, do one of the following:

    • Click the chart, and then drag the sizing handles to the size that you want.

    • On the Format tab, in the Size group, enter the size in the Shape Height and Shape Width box.

      Outlook Ribbon Image

  5. If a worksheet contains more than one chart, you may be able to print the charts on one page by reducing the size of the charts.

  6. Click the worksheet.

  7. Click the Microsoft Office Button Office button image , and then click Print.

    By default, Active sheet(s) is selected under Print what.

    You can click Preview to see how the chart will look on the printed page.

By default, cell gridlines are not printed on a worksheet. To print the worksheet with cell gridlines displayed, see Print with or without cell gridlines.

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Print a chart without worksheet data

You can print one chart without worksheet data per page.

  1. Click the chart that you want to print.

    If the chart is on a separate chart sheet, click the chart sheet tab.

  2. Click the Microsoft Office Button Office button image , and then click Print.

    By default, Selected Chart is selected under Print what.

    You can click Preview to see how the chart will look on the printed page.

Note: You cannot scale a chart before you print it. Instead, you can move and size the chart area of the chart to adjust is as needed. For more information, see Move or resize a chart.

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Set page options for a chart

  1. On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click the Dialog Box Launcher Button image .

    Excel Ribbon Image

  2. Do one or more of the following:

    • On the Page tab, specify the orientation, paper size, print quality, and the page number of the first page.

      Note: You cannot adjust the scaling of a chart.

To quickly specify the orientation of the printed pages, on the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click Orientation, and then click Portrait or Landscape.

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Set page margins for a chart

  1. On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click Margins.

    Excel Ribbon Image

  2. Do one of the following:

    • To use predefined margins, click the margin option that you want.

    • To specify custom page margins, click Custom Margins, and then in the Top, Bottom, Left, and Right boxes, enter the margin sizes that you want.

    • To set header or footer margins, click Custom Margins, and then enter a new margin size in the in the Header or Footer box. Setting the header or footer margins changes the distance from the top edge of the paper to the header or from the bottom edge of the paper to the footer.

      Note: The header and footer settings should be smaller than your top and bottom margin settings, and larger than or equal to the minimum printer margins.

    • To see how the margins will affect the printed worksheet, click Print Preview. To adjust the margins in print preview, click Show Margins, and then drag the black margin handles on either side and at the top of the page.

Note: You cannot center the page horizontally or vertically for charts.

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Change the print quality of a chart

  1. Click the chart that you want to print.

  2. On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click the Dialog Box Launcher Button image .

    Excel Ribbon Image

  3. On the Chart tab, under Printed quality, select the Draft quality check box, the Print in black and white check box, or both.

    To see the result of the print quality settings that you select, click Print Preview.

  4. Click Print.

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