Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Opening files for reading or editing

Opening files for reading or editing

You can open a file stored in the Files tool if your computer has an application installed that supports its file type.

If you try to open unsupported files, you see an Open With dialog box that asks you to specify the program to use. For more information on the Open With dialog box, see your Windows documentation.

  1. To open a file, double-click it.

  2. If you want, edit and save the file in its application.

    Note that your edits are saved locally in the application, but not yet shared with other members of the workspace.

  3. To share your updates with other workpace members, click a SharePoint workspace window in the Windows status bar.

  4. When prompted, select options for saving your changes in SharePoint Workspace.

If you want to save the file in SharePoint Workspace as a different version, type a new name in the Save File As box. The default file name is the original file name.

Click Yes to save your changes back in SharePoint Workspace. If you entered a new file name, the new file displays in the list. The original file (with its original file contents) is also still listed.

Click No to defer saving your changes in SharePoint Workspace now. You might do this if you want to do additional editing before sending your changes to all members of the workspace. Note however, that if you click No after closing the file, you will lose all edits since the last time the file was saved in SharePoint Workspace.

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