Exporting a report to Excel in Management Reporter
Microsoft Office PerformancePoint 2007 Management Reporter can export a report from the report library to an Excel (.xlsx) file.
The file name that you specify must end in .xlsx or .xls. This file name is an index file from with you can access all report contexts (financial, account, transaction, and exception).
Given below is the procedure tp export a report to Excel:
In the navigation pane, click Report Library, and then double-click a report name.
On the File menu, click Export, and then click Microsoft Excel (xslx).
In the Export to Microsoft Excel dialog box, in the Export data to box, type a path and file name or click Browse
to locate a path and file name.
Under Export range, select one of the following options:
Current View
Exports the current view of a report. If the current report view is three pages, Management Reporter exports all three pages.
Current Reporting Unit
Exports the current reporting unit of a reporting tree. If the current reporting unit is three pages, Management Reporter exports three pages.
Selected Reporting Units
Displays a dialog box for selecting the reporting units to export.
All Reporting Units
Exports all reporting units in a reporting tree.
Under Report type, select one or more of the following options:
Note: The Report Type options are not available if you select Current View for the Export range option.
Financial report
Exports only the financial report.
Account details
Exports only the account details report.
Transaction details
Exports only the transaction details report.
Exception report
Exports only the exception details report.
Under Microsoft Excel options, select one or more of the following options:
Export headers and footers
Export format rows
Export underscore rows
Export fonts and shading
Export to single worksheet
Replace the file without warning
Open workbook after exporting
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