Sunday, December 11, 2016

Collaborate on a whiteboard

Collaborate on a whiteboard

A whiteboard is a blank page for notes, drawings, or imported images that meeting participants can work on together. When the meeting is over, you can save the product of your collaboration.

What do you want to do?

Open a new whiteboard

Add content


Lines, arrows, and shapes

Freehand drawing or highlighting

Arrow, check mark, or X stamp

Insert an image

Move content

Move one object

Move several objects at the same time

Change the color of content

Undo and redo your work

Determine who added or changed content

Point to content to show what you're referring to

Delete content

Rename the whiteboard

Save the whiteboard

Temporarily close the whiteboard

Privately view a closed whiteboard

Permanently delete a whiteboard

Open a new whiteboard

You must be a meeting presenter to open a whiteboard. If you aren't already a presenter, the meeting organizer or any other presenter in the meeting can make you one. All meeting participants, whether presenter or attendee, can work on the whiteboard.

  • In the meeting window, click the Share menu, and then click New Whiteboard.
    A blank whiteboard opens on the meeting stage (right pane of the meeting window) on everyone's screen.

If a presenter opens another whiteboard or begins another sharing activity, this whiteboard will automatically close but be available in the Content List for use later in the meeting.

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Add content

Use the tools along the bottom of the whiteboard to add content.

Note:  Several meeting participants can work on the whiteboard simultaneously, but each tool can be used only by one person at a time.


Type it

  • On a new whiteboard, you can just click anywhere, and start typing. Otherwise, click the Select and Type button Select and Type tool first.

  • Select a font and size by clicking the down arrow next to the Select and Type button before you start typing.

  • Use the Color button Color tool to select a text color before you start typing.

Paste it

  • Copy the text that you want to use to the Clipboard.

  • Click the whiteboard where you want to paste the text, and then press CTRL+V.

You can use the Color button Color tool to select a text color before you paste it.

Lines, arrows, and shapes

  • Click the Line button Line tool , and then and draw lines, or click the down arrow next to the button, and then select another shape.

  • Use the Color button Color tool to select a color before you start drawing.

Freehand drawing or highlighting

  • Click the Pen button Pen tool , and then start writing or drawing in black, or click the down arrow next to the button, and then select another pen color or a transparent "highlighter" to draw with.

Arrow, check mark, or X stamp

  • Click the Arrow Stamp button Arrow Stamp tool , and then click on the whiteboard to add an arrow, or click the down arrow next to the button, and then select the check mark or X.

Insert an image

  1. Click the Insert image button Insert Image tool , navigate to the image that you want, and then double-click it.

  2. Resize the imported image by dragging the triangle in its lower right corner.

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Move content

You can select and then move anything on the whiteboard.

Move one object

  1. Click the Select and Type button Select and Type tool .

  2. Click the object you want to move.
    A selection rectangle appears around the selected object.

  3. Drag it to its new position.

    Note:  For typed text, point to the bar at the top of the text box before you begin dragging it.

Move several objects at the same time

  1. Click the Select and Type button Select and Type tool .

  2. Use the mouse pointer to draw a box around everything that you want to move.
    Selection rectangles appear around the selected objects.

  3. Place the mouse pointer on any of the selected objects, and then drag the group to its new position.

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Change the color of content

You can change the color of most objects after you add them to the whiteboard.

  1. Click the Select and Type button Select and Type tool .

  2. Click the object you want to change. If you want to change several objects to the same color, use the mouse pointer to draw a box around all of them.
    A selection rectangle appears around the selected object or objects.

  3. Click the Color button Color tool , and then click the color that you want.

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Undo and redo your work

To undo or redo your work, do the following:

  • Click the Additional Tools arrow, and then click Undo or Redo.
    Additional Tools arrow
    You can use this tool repeatedly to go backwards and forwards through your changes to the whiteboard.

    Note:  You cannot use this process on other peoples' work.

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Determine who added or changed content

To see who added or changed content on the whiteboard, do one of the following:

  • For non-text items on the whiteboard, hold the mouse pointer over the content to see "Created by" and "Last modified by" information.

  • For typed text, point at the text, and then hold the mouse pointer over the solid rectangle that appears above the text when you point at it.

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Point to content to show what you're referring to

Use the Laser Pointer tool to show the other meeting participants what you're referring to.

  1. Click the Laser Pointer button Laser Pointer .

  2. Click the object you want to point to and hold down the mouse button.
    Everyone will see the blue circle indicator and your name.

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Delete content

To delete content, do the following:

  1. Click the Select and Type button Select and Type tool .

  2. Select the object or objects that you want to delete.

  3. Press the Delete key.

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Rename the whiteboard

It's particularly useful to name whiteboards during a meeting if the group will be switching back and forth among several of them.

  • Click the down arrow at the top of the stage, click the arrow next to the whiteboard you want to rename, and then click Rename.

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Save the whiteboard

Save the whiteboard to your computer to access your collaborative work after the meeting is over.

  • Click the Save button Save with annotations , type a file name, and then click Save.

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Temporarily close the whiteboard

To close a whiteboard that you'll want to use again later, do the following:

  • In the upper-right corner of the stage, click Stop Sharing.
    The whiteboard closes but remains available for use later in the meeting.

You can reopen the whiteboard later in one of the following ways:

  • If the stage is open, click Content List, and then click the whiteboard you want to share.

  • If the stage is hidden, click the Share menu, click Recent Content, and then click the whiteboard.

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Privately view a closed whiteboard

You can refer to a closed whiteboard without sharing it with the other attendees.

  1. If the stage is hidden, click the Share menu, and then click Show Stage.

  2. At the top of the stage, click Content List, click the arrow next to the whiteboard you want to view, and then click View Privately.

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Permanently delete a whiteboard

To delete a whiteboard, do the following:

  • Click Content List, click the arrow next to the whiteboard you want to delete, and then click Remove.

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