Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Introduction to My Site

Introduction to My Site

My Site is a personal site that gives you a central location to manage and store your documents, content, links, and contacts. My Site serves as a point of contact for other users in your organization to find information about you and your skills and interests. Content providers can use My Site as a method of customizing the information they present to users.

In this article


The site

Ways to work with My Site


Your My Site provides:

  • A central location for you to view and manage all of your documents, tasks, links, calendar, colleagues, and other personal information.

  • A way for other users to learn about you and your areas of expertise, current projects, and colleague relationships.

  • A place for content providers to target information to you based on the information that you and your organization provide in your profile, such as your title, department, and interests.

  • A place for administrators to present personalized Web sites.

As a dedicated personal site, your My Site provides you with a single location to manage all of the documents, content, and tasks that you have in any site in your organization. You can also present content and documents to other people, create your own workspaces, provide information about yourself to other people, and learn about the status of your colleagues.

My Site presents lists of memberships, such as distribution lists, and shows you how you can share those lists with other people. My Site displays a list of your colleagues and an organization hierarchy diagram to show your position within your immediate team. When other people visit your My Site, they can quickly see what they have in common with you — colleagues whom you both know, memberships that you share, and the first manager whom you both share.

Privacy groups allow you to decide who gets to view some of the information on your public page, such as the list of your colleagues, distribution list memberships, your skills and interests, and other information you may want to display only to your workgroup or your manager.

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The site

By default, your My Site includes two parts: a personal site called My Home and a public profile page called My Profile.

You are the administrator of the personal site, which starts with a private home page. My Site is similar to having your own personal Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 site — you can create document libraries and picture libraries, calendars, surveys, tasks, and other SharePoint lists. You can create other pages on your personal site and provide links to those pages by using your public home page. Any of the documents and lists that you create in your personal site can be shared with other people or viewed by only you.

Your administrator determines how the profile page looks, but you decide whether to add more detail. You can also control how some of the content on the public profile page is shared with various groups of people — similar to a filter.

Other groups in your organization can create sites that contains content that is personalized for you. These sites are called personalization sites, and they are displayed as a separate tab on your My Site to give you easy access to information. For example, Human Resources might create a site that contains your payroll history, vacation balance, and links to benefits information.

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Ways to work with My Site

The following are some of the ways you can use your My Site:

Use and keep track of links

Keep track of your colleagues

Set up a document workflow

Share documents and save to SharePoint sites

Create Meeting Workspace and Document Workspace sites

Share information on the My Site public page

Get better search results when you share information

Access previous versions of documents

Use and keep track of links

The My Links page allows you to keep track of your favorite Web sites and access them from any computer on your network. When you log on, My Links appears in the upper-right corner on every site. By using the My Links menu, you can easily add new links, reorganize your links, access sites where you are a member, and click links to save them to your My Links list.

Personalization sites, which are provided by administrators or content providers, can be pinned to your My Site. This means that the site appears as an additional tab next to your home page and public page. Sometimes, you can pin and unpin personalization sites by using a menu on the tab. This makes it easy to add and remove the tab from your My Site.

Keep track of your colleagues

The Colleagues Web Part helps you to keep track of events, such as whether your colleagues are in the office, in meetings, or on the telephone. You can also be notified when colleagues change departments or responsibilities, add documents to a SharePoint library, or have an anniversary or birthday. In addition, you can choose who appears on your Colleagues list and organize your Colleagues list by groups.

Find links to more information about using the Colleagues Web Part in the See Also section.

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Set up a document workflow

You can set up a workflow in your Shared Documents library to route documents for approval. This allows you to request approval, collect feedback and signatures, set up tasks, and view the history of the workflow.

Find links to more information about using workflows in the See Also section.

Share documents and save to SharePoint sites

The SharePoint Sites Web Part on your home page is useful for listing all of the documents you have created, saved, or modified in any site in your organization. The SharePoint Sites Web Part automatically displays documents for five sites where you are listed in the Site Name Member SharePoint group. The SharePoint Sites Web Part also lists any tasks that you are assigned in any site. You can add as many sites as you want to the SharePoint Sites Web Part.

The Documents Web Part on your public page allows you to share documents with other people. All documents you have saved to every library in your organization, except for your Private Documents Library, automatically appear in the list for other people to access. You can change the permissions on list items and libraries to prevent them from appearing in the Documents Web Part.

You can use the My Site places link in Microsoft Office programs to save files to your My Site. The My Site places folder opens the document libraries, SharePoint sites, and document workspace sites that you have created on your My Site. By default, you have four document libraries to save files to: My Pages, My Pictures, Private Documents, and Shared Documents.

Find links to more information about using the SharePoint Sites Web Part and Documents Web Part in the See Also section.

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Create Meeting Workspace and Document Workspace sites

You can use your My Site to create a workspace site for projects, a team site, a wiki site, a new blog, or a records repository. Two of the most common ways to use My Site is for Meeting Workspace sites and Document Workspace sites.

Meeting Workspace site     Use this Web site for gathering all the information and materials for one or more meetings. If your meeting materials, such as agendas, related documents, objectives, and tasks, are often scattered, a Meeting Workspace site can help you keep them all in one place.

A Meeting Workspace site provides a place where your meeting attendees can go for the most up-to-date information about the meeting, whether you are managing a year-long project with recurring meetings or planning a small event.

The following are some ways you can use a Meeting Workspace site:

  • Before the meeting, publish the agenda, attendee list, and documents that you plan to discuss.

  • During the meeting, add the tasks, record the decisions, and review the related documents.

  • After the meeting, publish the minutes, add other follow-up information, and track the status of the tasks.

Document Workspace site     This type of Web site helps you to coordinate the development of one or more related documents with other people. The site provides tools to share and update files and to keep people informed about the status of those files.

You and your colleagues can work together on a Document Workspace site to develop a document in the following ways:

  • Work directly on the copy located on the Document Workspace site.

  • Work on a local copy and update the copy regularly on the Document Workspace site.

You and other workspace members can also use a Document Workspace site to publish announcements, assign tasks, share relevant links, and receive alerts about changes to site content. You can create a Document Workspace site for a short-term project and delete the site when the project ends or keep the site permanently.

Find links to more information about creating and managing Meeting Workspace sites and Document Workspace sites in the See Also section.

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Share information on the My Site public page

The My Site public page allows you to display details about yourself to people who visit your My Site. This information becomes part of your user profile and can include your picture, text that describes you, your projects, and your interests. Your administrator may provide additional details that appear on your public page and are also included in your user profile.

Some of the information you provide can be filtered, so that only certain people can view it. You do this by using privacy groups. For example, you can make your mobile phone number visible to only your workgroup.

Search by using profile details     You can use any detail in a user profile to search for someone in your organization, even when you don't know his or her name. For example, if you wanted to find someone who had knowledge about Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) or Microsoft Office Excel, you could search for those terms and find people who list those words in the Interests or Skills boxes on the Details page of their public profile.

What do you have in common with other people?     When someone visits your public page or you visit another's page, the In Common with You Web Part displays the colleagues whom you both know, the distribution lists and SharePoint sites that you both belong to, and the first manager whom you have in common.

Display your affiliations     The Memberships Web Part automatically displays the Active Directory directory service distribution lists and SharePoint sites of which you are a member. As with other types of information on the page, you can choose who gets to view the memberships or whether the memberships are displayed at all.

Show whom you work with     You can display a list of the people you work with and group them according to project, by whom they report to, or in any type of grouping that makes sense to you. Free/busy information in Microsoft Office Outlook helps keep you up-to-date on people's whereabouts.

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Get better search results when you share information

Some of the information on your public page may be displayed automatically by your administrator, who may use sources such as Active Directory or other LDAP-compatible applications. It is likely that this information comes from databases like those that your Human Resources department might use and provides details like your title, department name, and manager relationship.

Most of the information on the public page is optional. However, the more information that you share about your projects, responsibilities, areas of expertise, skills, and interests, the better the collaboration can be within your organization. You can limit who can view the information that you share, but when you share it with everyone, you allow people to find you, your expertise, and links to your colleagues and projects.

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Access previous versions of documents

If you set up your My Site lists or libraries to track versions of list items or files, you can view the version history. The version history contains information about when the item or file was changed and who changed it. In libraries, the version history may also contain comments that people made about their changes.

The version history also contains changes to properties, sometimes known as metadata. Examples are when someone changes the name of the person whom the list item is assigned to, or when the file is due to be completed. Libraries can track major versions, like those in which a new section was added to a document, and minor versions, like those in which a spelling error was corrected. Lists can track only major versions. To view the version history, you must have permission to read items in a list or library.

Find links to more information about version history of items or files in the See Also section.

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