Monday, May 22, 2017

Create generic resources to represent resource needs

Create generic resources to represent resource needs

When proposing a project, generic resources can help indicate demand for resources in a specific role. This helps with capacity planning, and can be a deciding factor during portfolio analysis. To facilitate the use of generic resources in the proposal process, the first step is to create one generic resource for each role defined in the Role lookup table. For example, you want one generic resource to represent all developers, another generic resource to represent all testers, and so on. If you have not defined roles in a lookup table, see Define primary resource roles.

  1. On the Quick Launch, under Resources, click Resource Center.

  2. On the Resources tab of the Ribbon, click New Resource.

  3. In addition to the required fields, complete the following fields:

    • Generic:    Selected

    • Resource can logon to Project Server:    Cleared

    • Display Name:    <Role Name> - Demand (For example, "Developer - Demand.")

    • Role:    Choose the role that corresponds to the display name you've specified. For example, if you typed "Developer - Demand" in the Display Name box, click Developer in the Role list.

  4. Click Save, and then repeat Steps 2 and 3 for each role in your organization's Role lookup table.

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