If you're a SharePoint administrator, you can set up a Business Intelligence (BI) Center site. A BI Center site can be used as a central place to store, share, and manage BI content, such as workbooks, scorecards, and dashboards. To learn more about what a Business Intelligence Center site is, see What is a Business Intelligence Center?
What do you want to do?
Set up a BI Center site in SharePoint Server 2013 (on premises)
Make sure that at least some of the service applications in SharePoint Server that support business intelligence capabilities are configured before you create and share a Business Intelligence Center site. For example, make sure that at least Excel Services or PerformancePoint Services is configured.
For more information, contact a SharePoint Administrator or see TechNet Article: Administer business intelligence in SharePoint Server 2013.
In the SharePoint Central Administration website, under Application Management, choose Create site collections.
On the Create Site Collection page, in the Title text box, specify a title for the site. For example, you could type "Business Intelligence Center" or "BI Center" in the Title box.
In the URL text box, specify the website address that you want to use for the site. For example, you could type "BICenter" in the URL box.
In the Select a template section, choose the Enterprise tab, and then select Business Intelligence Center.
In the Primary Site Collection Administrator section, in the User name text box, specify who will be the primary site collection administrator.
(This is optional.) In the Secondary Site Collection Administrator section, specify who will be a secondary site collection administrator.
(This is optional.) Select a quota template for the site.
Choose OK. The site is created.
Proceed to share the site with others.
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