Thursday, May 12, 2022

Join a teams meeting on an unsupported browser

Some browsers, including Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari, don't support Teams calls and meetings.

While it's best to download the Teams app or use a different browser, you can join a call or meeting on one of these browsers and use your phone for audio. You'll just have some limitations. Here's what you can expect.


  • If your meeting doesn't have a dial-in number, you won't be able to join it on the web. You need audio to participate in a meeting or call.

  • For more on supported browsers, check out Limits and specifications for Teams.

What'll work

Tons of great Teams calling and meeting features will still be available to you in unsupported browsers, including:

  • PowerPoint sharing

  • Whiteboard sketching

  • Meeting notes

  • Participant list

  • Meeting info

  • Recording

  • Live captions

What won't

Unfortunately, some important features won't be available, including:

  • Video

  • Audio

  • Desktop, window, and app sharing

Use your phone for meeting audio

If you join a meeting on a browser that doesn't support calling or meetings and there's a phone number in the meeting invite, then you'll need to use a phone for audio. You can either have Teams call you or dial in manually.

Have Teams call you

Follow the prompts to have Teams call you.

An error message that says "No audio or video" and has space for you to enter a phone number so Teams can call you.

Dial in manually

There are a couple of ways you can dial in manually:

  • Use the phone number in the meeting invitation

  • Join the meeting online, then select More options More options button > Show call info and use the dial-in information or have Teams call you there

In the meeting details, you'll find dial-in numbers and an area you can enter your phone number and have Teams call you.

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