Friday, April 2, 2021

Basic tasks using a screen reader with onedrive for business

Read out loud symbol with the label Screen reader content. This topic is about using a screen reader with Office

This article is for people with visual impairments who use a screen reader program with the Office products and is part of the Office Accessibility content set. For more general help, see Office Support home.

Use your keyboard and a screen reader to store and share files in the OneDrive for work or school folder on your computer. We have tested it with Narrator and JAWS, but it might work with other screen readers as long as they follow common accessibility standards and guidelines. Whenever you are online, the files stored in your OneDrive for work or school are automatically synced to this folder.


In this topic

Open OneDrive for Business

The OneDrive app is built into Windows 10, and the OneDrive folder appears automatically in your File Explorer.

To connect to your OneDrive for work or school folder using File Explorer, you first have to sync OneDrive to your computer. The OneDrive for work or school folder name includes your Microsoft 365 organization name, such as OneDrive - Contoso or

For more information, refer to Use a screen reader to sync OneDrive for Business.

Open OneDrive using Cortana search

  1. To go to the Cortana search box, press the Windows logo key. You hear: "Search box."

  2. Type OneDrive. You hear: "OneDrive, desktop app." Press Enter.

Open OneDrive from File Explorer

  1. To open File Explorer, press the Windows logo key+E. File Explorer opens with the focus on the Items view.

  2. Press Shift+F6 to move to the Navigation pane. You hear: "Tree view."

  3. Press the arrow keys until you hear "OneDrive," and press Enter.

Sign in to OneDrive for Business

When you open OneDrive for the first time, you're asked to sign in, select the location of your OneDrive folder on your computer, and choose the files and folders you want to sync.

  1. Open OneDrive using Cortana search or File Explorer as explained above.

  2. You hear: "Microsoft OneDrive. Enter your email address." The focus is in the email address field. Type your organizational address, and press Enter.

  3. If you have both personal and work accounts for OneDrive, you may hear: "This email address is used for both OneDrive and OneDrive for Business. Which would you like to sign in to first?" Press the Tab key until you hear "Work or school, button," and press Spacebar.

  4. Your organization's sign-in dialog opens. The focus is in the password field. Type your password. When done, press the Tab key until you hear "Sign in," and press Spacebar.

  5. The This is your OneDrive folder dialog opens. By default the OneDrive folder is located under C:\Users.... Do one of the following:

    • To accept the current location and continue, press the Tab key until you hear "Next," and press Spacebar.

    • to change the folder location, press the Tab key until you hear "Change location," and then press Enter.

  6. The Sync your OneDrive files to this PC dialog opens. By default, all files and folders in your OneDrive for work or school are selected to sync. If you don't want to sync them all, you can select the files and folders in this dialog.

    Do one of the following:

    • To sync all your OneDrive for work or school files and folders to your computer, press the Tab key until you hear "Next," and press Enter.

    • To select specific OneDrive for work or school files and folders to sync your computer, define the files and folders in this dialog. To navigate between the areas in the dialog, press the Tab key or Shift+Tab. When you hear the first item in your OneDrive for work or school, such as "Files not in a folder," you've reached the list of folders and files in your OneDrive for work or school. To navigate the list, press the Down arrow key. To select or deselect an item or a checkbox, press Spacebar. When the selections are done, press the Tab key to navigate to the Next button, and press Spacebar.

    You're now connected to your OneDrive for work or school, and the Welcome to OneDrive dialog opens.

  7. To sync and open your OneDrive for work or school, go through the welcome dialog first. Press the Tab key once. You hear: "Next." Press Enter three times to navigate through the pages. Then press Shift+Tab once. You hear: "Open my OneDrive folder." Press Enter. The (selected) OneDrive for work or school folders and files are synced, and your OneDrive folder opens in File Explorer.

Open an item in OneDrive for Business

In File Explorer, browse to the item you want to open, press Spacebar to select it, and press Enter to open.

Tip: To choose the app you want to use to open the item with, when on the item, press Alt+H, P+E. To navigate through the list of options, press the Down arrow key. When you land on the app you want, press Enter.

Upload an item to OneDrive for Business

You can upload a file or folder to OneDrive for work or school by copying or moving it to your OneDrive folder in File Explorer, or by saving the file directly to OneDrive for work or school using the applicable Office app.

Upload an item using File Explorer

  1. To open File Explorer, press the Windows logo key+E.

  2. Go to the folder or file you want to copy or move to OneDrive for work or school.

  3. To copy the file or folder, press Ctrl+C. To cut the file or folder, press Ctrl+X.

  4. Use the Tab key and the arrow keys to navigate to the location you want, and press Enter.

  5. Press Ctrl+V to paste the copied or cut item. The item is uploaded to your OneDrive for work or school.

Save your file directly to OneDrive for Business

When you work on a file in an Office app, you can save it directly to OneDrive for work or school, so you don't have to upload it separately.

  1. With the file open in the applicable Office app, press Alt+F, A. You hear: "Save As."

  2. To select OneDrive for work or school, press S. You hear: "Selected, OneDrive," followed by the name of your organization.

  3. Press the Right arrow key once. You hear: "Pick a folder." To move to the file name field, press the Down arrow key. If needed, type or change the name for the file. To save, select one of these options:

    • To save the file to your main OneDrive for work or school folder, press the Tab key to move to the Save button and then press Enter.

    • To save the file to a specific subfolder in your OneDrive for work or school, press the Tab key until you hear "Sort by name," press the Down arrow key to move to the folder where you want to save the file, and then press Enter. When you hear the name of the first file in the folder (or, if there are no files in the folder, you hear "We didn't find anything to show here"), press the Tab key until you hear "Save, button," and then press Enter.

Download an item from OneDrive for Business

By default, all folders and files in your OneDrive for work or school folder are available online and offline on your computer, but you can also download an item separately.

  1. In File Explorer, navigate to the item you want to download from your OneDrive for work or school. When on the item, press Ctrl+C.

  2. Move to the folder where you want to save the item on your computer, and press Ctrl+V to paste it.

Share an item from OneDrive for Business

You can share an item directly from OneDrive for work or school. The people you share with will receive an email invitation to view and edit the shared content in OneDrive for work or school.

  1. In File Explorer, go to your OneDrive for work or school folder. Select the folder or file you want to share, and press Shift+F10.

  2. The context menu opens, and you hear: "Context menu." Press S, and then press Enter. You hear: "Browser view." With JAWS, you hear "Share," followed by the name of the file, and "Browser view." The Send Link dialog opens.

  3. Press the Tab key until you hear: "People to share with." Press Enter. Type the email address of the person you want to share with, and press Enter. To invite another person, type their email address, and press Enter.

  4. If you want to type a note to send with the invitation, press the Tab key until you hear: "Add a message." With JAWS, you hear: "Edit."

  5. Press the Tab key to move to the Send button, and press Enter to send the link.

Stop sharing an item

  1. In File Explorer, go to your OneDrive for work or school folder. Select the item you want to stop sharing.

  2. Press Alt+S, SS. A dialog opens with the focus on the Stop sharing option. To stop sharing with everyone, press Enter.

Pause syncing OneDrive for Business

If you want to temporarily stop syncing OneDrive for work or school to your computer, you can just pause syncing and it'll resume after the selected time period.

  1. On the desktop of your computer, navigate to the OneDrive for work or school icon on the taskbar. The icon is located near the low-right corner on the bar at the very bottom of your computer screen. To navigate to the taskbar, press the Tab key until you hear "Notifications chevron," and then press the Right arrow key until you hear "OneDrive," followed by the name of your organization and the current sync status.

    Tip: If you cannot find the OneDrive for work or school icon on the Task Bar, it might be hidden in the Notifications menu. To open the menu, press Enter when you hear the Notifications chevron button, and use the arrow keys to navigate the items in the menu.

  2. Press Enter to open the OneDrive for work or school menu. Press the Tab key repeatedly until you hear "More, button," and press Enter.

  3. Press the Tab key to move down on the list of options. When you hear "Pause syncing," press Enter.

  4. Press the Down arrow key to hear the options. When you land on the option you want, press Enter.

See also

Use a screen reader to sync OneDrive for Business

Keyboard shortcuts for OneDrive for Business

Set up your device to work with accessibility in Microsoft 365

Use a screen reader to explore and navigate OneDrive for Business

Use VoiceOver, the built-in macOS screen reader, and keyboard shortcuts to store and share files in your OneDrive for work or school folder on your computer. Whenever you are online, the files stored in your OneDrive for work or school are automatically synced to this folder.


  • New Microsoft 365 features are released gradually to Microsoft 365 subscribers, so your app might not have these features yet. To learn how you can get new features faster, join the Office Insider program.

  • This topic assumes that you are using the built-in macOS screen reader, VoiceOver. To learn more about using VoiceOver, go to VoiceOver Getting Started Guide.

In this topic

Open OneDrive and set up OneDrive for Business

If not already installed, download the OneDrive app from the App Store.

  1. On your Mac, navigate to the OneDrive app, and press Control+Option+Spacebar to open the app.

  2. The Set up OneDrive dialog opens. The focus is in the email address field. Type your organizational email address, and press Return.

  3. If you have both OneDrive and OneDrive for work or school in use, the account selection view opens and you hear: "Personal, default, button." Press the Tab key to move to the Work or school button, and press Return.

  4. Your organization's sign-in dialog opens. The focus is in the password field. Type your password, and press Return to sign in.

  5. The This Is Your OneDrive Folder dialog opens. The focus is on the Choose OneDrive Folder Location button. Press Return to select.

  6. A Finder window opens. Use the Tab and arrow keys to browse to the location where you want to add the OneDrive for work or school folder. When the location is selected, press the Tab key repeatedly until you hear "Choose this location, button," and press Return.

  7. The Finder window closes and you return to the This Is Your OneDrive Folder dialog. The focus is on the Next button. Press Return to select.

  8. The Sync Files from Your OneDrive dialog opens. In this dialog you can select the folders and files you want to download to your OneDrive for work or school folder on your Mac. By default, all your OneDrive for work or school files and folders are selected to sync, and the focus is on the Next button.

    Do one of the following:

    • To sync all your OneDrive for work or school files and folders to your Mac, press Return.

    • To select which of your OneDrive for work or school files and folders are synced to your Mac, define the files and folders in this dialog. To navigate between the items in the dialog, press Control+Option+Left or Right arrow key. To enter the table, press Control+Option+Shift+Down arrow key. To select or deselect an item or a checkbox, press Spacebar. To leave the table, press Control+Option+Shift+Up arrow key. When the selections are done, press Control+Option+Right arrow key navigate to the Next button, and press Return.

  9. The Your OneDrive Is Ready for You dialog opens. The focus is on the Open my OneDrive button, and you hear: "Open my OneDrive - <Name of your organization>, default, button."

    Tip: If you want OneDrive for work or school to open and sync your files automatically when your computer turns on, press Control+Option+Left arrow key. You hear: "Open at login so my files sync automatically, unchecked check box." Press Control+Option+Spacebar to select the check box. To move back to the Open my OneDrive button, press Control+Option+Right arrow key.

    Press Return to sync your files and folders to your Mac and open your OneDrive for work or school folder in Finder.

Open an item in OneDrive for Business

  1. In Finder, browse to your OneDrive for work or school folder and press Command+Down arrow key to open the folder.

  2. To go into the folder contents, press Control+Option+Shift+Down arrow key.

  3. Press the Right or Left arrow key to navigate to the item you want to open, and then press Command+O.

Upload an item to OneDrive for Business

You can upload a file or folder to OneDrive for work or school by copying or moving it to your OneDrive for work or school folder in Finder, or by saving the file directly to OneDrive for work or school using the applicable Microsoft Office app.

Upload an item using Finder

  1. Open a Finder window and navigate to the folder or file that you want to upload to OneDrive for work or school. For example, to open your home folder in Finder, press Shift+Command+H, or to open the documents folder, press Shift+Command+O.

  2. With the folder or file selected, press Command+C to copy or Command+X to cut.

  3. In Finder, go to your OneDrive for work or school folder, and press Command+V to paste the file or folder. The item is uploaded to OneDrive for work or school.

Save your file directly to OneDrive for Business

When you work on a file in a Microsoft Office app, you can save it directly to OneDrive for work or school so you don't have to upload it separately.

  1. With the file open in the applicable Office app, press Shift+Command+S. The Save as dialog opens.

  2. The focus is in the file name field. If needed, type to add or change the file name.

  3. When done, press the Tab key until you hear "Places, table, SharePoint." Use the arrow keys to navigate to the correct location.

    If you don't hear your OneDrive for work or school location but "Online Locations, button," instead, the current saving location is on your Mac. To go to your OneDrive for work or school, follow these steps:

    1. When you hear "Online Locations, button," press Control+Option+Spacebar to open the list of locations.

    2. Press Control+Option+Right arrow key to move to the Places section, and then press Control+Option+Shift+Down arrow key to enter the table.

    3. Within the table, use the arrow keys to navigate the locations. When you've found the correct location within your OneDrive for work or school folder, press Control+Option+Spacebar.

  4. Press the Tab key repeatedly until you hear "Save, default, button," and press Return. The file is saved to your OneDrive for work or school folder, and the AutoSave option is switched on. You return to the Office app where the file is open.

Download an item from OneDrive for Business

By default, all folders and files in your OneDrive for work or school folder are available online and offline on your computer, but you can also download an item separately.

  1. In Finder, navigate to the item you want to download in your OneDrive for work or school. When on the item, press Command+C.

  2. Move to the folder where you want to save the item on your computer, and press Command+V to paste it.

Share an item from OneDrive for Business

You can share an item directly from OneDrive for work or school, using, for example, email, Messages, or AirDrop. Follow the steps below to share the item as an attachment using Mail.

  1. In Finder, go to your OneDrive for work or school folder. Select the folder or file you want to share, and press Control+Option+Shift+M to open the context menu. You hear: "Menu, <the number of items>."

  2. Press the Down arrow key repeatedly until you hear "Share, submenu," and press the Right arrow key. You hear: "Share, submenu, <number of items>, Mail."

  3. Press Control+Option+Spacebar. A new email message is created and the item you chose to share is attached. You hear: "Mail, new message, window, edit text." The focus is in the To field where you can type the address of the recipient.

  4. To add a subject, press the Tab key until you hear "Subject, edit text," and type a subject.

  5. To add a message, press the Tab key until you hear "Object replacement character, edit text" and press Control+Option+Shift+Down arrow key. The focus is in the beginning of the text area followed by the attached file or folder. Type the message text.

  6. When done, press Command+Shift+D to send the message.

Pause syncing OneDrive for Business

If you want to temporarily stop syncing OneDrive for work or school to your Mac, you can just pause syncing and it'll resume after the selected time period.

  1. On your Mac, to move to the first status menu in the menu bar, press Control+Option+M+M. You hear: "Menu extras, <the app name>, menu extra." If needed, press Control+Option+Right arrow key until you hear: "OneDrive."

    Tip: If you cannot hear "OneDrive," the app might not be running and you need to launch it first.

  2. Press Control+Option+Spacebar to open the menu. You hear: "OneDrive, <the current sync status>, <the name of your organization>.

  3. Press Control+Option+Right arrow key until you hear "More options, button," and press Control+Option+Spacebar.

  4. A menu opens. Press the Down arrow key until you hear "Pause Syncing," and press Control+Option+Spacebar.

  5. Press the Down arrow key to hear the options. When on an option you want, press Control+Option+Spacebar. Syncing is paused for the selected time period.

See also

Use a screen reader to sync OneDrive for Business

Set up your device to work with accessibility in Microsoft 365

Use a screen reader to explore and navigate OneDrive for Business

Use VoiceOver, the built-in iOS screen reader, to store and share files in your OneDrive for work or school on your iPhone.


  • New Microsoft 365 features are released gradually to Microsoft 365 subscribers, so your app might not have these features yet. To learn how you can get new features faster, join the Office Insider program.

  • This topic assumes that you are using the built-in iOS screen reader, VoiceOver. To learn more about using VoiceOver, visit Apple accessibility.

In this topic

Open OneDrive and sign in to OneDrive for Business

If not already installed on your phone, download the Microsoft OneDrive app from the App Store. You can use the OneDrive app to sign in and access your content in OneDrive for work or school.

  1. Go to the home screen where the OneDrive app is. Swipe right until you hear "OneDrive," and double-tap the screen.

  2. The Sign In window opens. You hear: "OneDrive, help button." Swipe right repeatedly until you hear: "Email or phone, text field," and double-tap the screen.

  3. The on-screen keyboard opens, and you can type your organizational email address. When done, swipe right until you hear "Go," and double-tap the screen.

  4. If you have both OneDrive and OneDrive for work or school in use, the account selection view opens. Swipe right repeatedly until you hear: "Sign in to OneDrive for Business, button," and double-tap the screen.

  5. You hear "Cancel, button," and your organization's login window opens. Swipe right repeatedly until you hear "Password, secure text field," and double-tap the screen.

  6. The on-screen keyboard opens, and you can type your password. When done, swipe right until you hear "Go," and double-tap the screen.

    OneDrive for work or school opens in the Files view.

Upload a file to OneDrive for Business

If you have locally stored Office files on your iPhone, you can upload them to OneDrive for work or school for safekeeping and easy access from any device. You can also save files you create or edit on your phone directly to your OneDrive for work or school.

Upload a file stored on your phone

You can move a locally stored Office file to your OneDrive for work or school for easy access from any device.

  1. Make sure you're signed in to your OneDrive for work or school in the OneDrive app. Then open the app you've created the file with, such as Word, Excel, or PowerPoint and navigate to the file.

    Tip: If you've worked on the file recently, you'll find it in the Recent view.

  2. When the focus is on the file you want to upload, swipe right. You hear: "File, button, actions available." Double-tap the screen.

  3. An options menu open. Swipe right repeatedly until you hear: "Move to Cloud, button." Double-tap the screen.

  4. The Places dialog opens. The focus is on the filename. To select your OneDrive for work or school as the saving location, swipe left or right until you hear "OneDrive" and the name of your organization. Double-tap the screen.

  5. The Save as dialog opens. The focus is on the filename.

    If you want to change the filename, use the on-screen keyboard to type a new name. When done, swipe right until you hear "Done," and double-tap the screen. The on-screen keyboard closes.

    If the current filename is fine, continue to the next step.

  6. Swipe right to navigate. To open a folder, double-tap the screen. When you've reached the location you want to save to, swipe left until you hear "Move, button," and double-tap the screen.

    The file is saved to your OneDrive for work or school, and you return to the same view in the Office app.

Save a file directly to OneDrive for Business

When you create a new file in a Microsoft Office app, you can save it directly to OneDrive for work or school so you don't have to upload it separately.

  1. When you're done working on the Word, Excel, or PowerPoint file you want to save to OneDrive for work or school, swipe left or right until you hear "Close file, button," and double-tap the screen.

  2. You hear: "Alert, Save changes to <the name of the document>?" Swipe right until you hear "Save, ellipsis, button," and double-tap the screen.

  3. The Save as dialog opens. The focus is on the filename.

    If you want to change the filename, use the on-screen keyboard to type a new name. When done, swipe right until you hear "Done," and double-tap the screen. The on-screen keyboard closes.

    If the current filename is fine, continue to the next step.

  4. Swipe left or right to navigate. To open a folder, double-tap the screen. When you've reached the location you want to save to, swipe left until you hear "Save, button," and double-tap the screen.

    The file is saved to your OneDrive for work or school, and you return to the Recent view in the app.

Share a file from OneDrive for Business

You can share files stored in your OneDrive for work or school with others within your organization.

  1. In the OneDrive app on your phone, navigate to the file you want to share, and double-tap the screen.

  2. Swipe right until you hear "More actions, button," and double-tap the screen.

  3. Swipe right until you hear "Share, button," and double-tap the screen.

  4. Swipe right until you hear the option you want to use for sharing, and double-tap the screen.

    The upcoming dialog depends on the selected method of sharing. To navigate, swipe right or left. To select, double-tap the screen.

Stop sharing a file

  1. Navigate to the shared file in theOneDrive app on your phone. When you reach the file, VoiceOver announces the name of the file, the time stamp, the size of the file, and the sharing status (in this case, "is shared"). Double-tap the screen.

  2. Swipe right repeatedly until you hear "More actions, button," and double-tap the screen.

  3. In the menu that opens, swipe right until you hear "Details, button," and double-tap the screen. The details view opens.

  4. Swipe right. When you hear "Shared with," you've reached the list of people the file is shared with. Swipe right until you hear the name of the person you want to stop sharing the file with. Double-tap the screen.

  5. Swipe right repeatedly until you hear: "Remove Access." To stop sharing, double-tap the screen.

Sign out of OneDrive for Business

  1. In the OneDrive app, swipe right repeatedly until you hear "Me, tab, 5 of 5," and double-tap the screen.

  2. Swipe left until you hear "Sign out of this account," and double-tap the screen.

    Note: If you have more than one account in use, make sure you're signing out of the correct account. You can switch between accounts in the Me view. To select an account, swipe left repeatedly until you reach the correct account at the top of the view, and double-tap the screen.

  3. The Sign Out dialog opens, and you hear: "Alert, sign out." Swipe right until you hear "OK, button," and double-tap the screen to finish signing out.

See also

Set up your device to work with accessibility in Microsoft 365

Use a screen reader to explore and navigate OneDrive for Business

Use TalkBack, the built-in Android screen reader, on your phone to store and share files in your OneDrive for work or school.


  • New Microsoft 365 features are released gradually to Microsoft 365 subscribers, so your app might not have these features yet. To learn how you can get new features faster, join the Office Insider program.

  • This topic assumes that you are using the built-in Android screen reader, TalkBack. To learn more about using TalkBack, go to Android accessibility.

In this topic

Open OneDrive for the first time and add your OneDrive for Business account

If not already installed on your phone, download the Microsoft OneDrive app from the Play Store. You can use the OneDrive app to sign in and access your content in OneDrive for work or school.

  1. Go to the home screen where the OneDrive app is. Swipe right until you hear "OneDrive," and double-tap the screen.

  2. You hear "OneDrive" and the welcome screen opens. Swipe right until you hear "Sign in," and double-tap the screen.

  3. If you get the Go Premium dialog, swipe right. You hear: "Navigate up, button." Double-tap the screen. If you hear: "Is OneDrive Basic enough?" swipe right until you hear "Stay basic, button," and double-tap the screen.

  4. On the next welcome screen, you can select to start a camera upload. Swipe right to Not now, and double-tap the screen.

    OneDrive opens in the Files view.

  5. To open your OneDrive for work or school, swipe right until you hear "Account switcher, button," and double-tap the screen.

  6. Swipe right until you hear: "Add account, button," and double-tap the screen.

  7. A sign-in dialog opens. The focus is in the email address field. Double-tap the screen to show the on-screen keyboard and type your organizational address. When done, swipe right to the Next button, and double-tap the screen.

  8. Your organization's sign-in page opens. Swipe right until you hear "Password, edit box," and double-tap the screen. Type your password using the on-screen keyboard. When done, swipe right until you hear "Sign in," and double-tap the screen.

  9. Swipe right to the Account switcher button, and double-tap the screen.

  10. Swipe right until you hear the OneDrive for work or school account you want to use and double-tap the screen.

    Your OneDrive for work or school opens in the Files view.

Save a file to OneDrive for Business

If you have locally stored Office files on your phone, or if you create new files on your phone, save them to OneDrive for work or school for safekeeping and easy access from any device.

  1. Make sure you're signed in to your OneDrive for work or school account in the OneDrive app. Then open the file in the Office app you've created the file with, such as Word, Excel, or PowerPoint.

    Tip: If you've worked on the file recently, you'll find it in the Recent view.

  2. Swipe left or right until you hear "Files, button," "File, button," or "menu," and double-tap the screen. The menu opens.

  3. Swipe right until you hear "Save As, button," and double-tap the screen. The Save as dialog opens.

  4. Swipe left until you hear your OneDrive for work or school, and double-tap the screen.

  5. To navigate within OneDrive for work or school, swipe left repeatedly. Double-tap the screen to open folders. When in the location you want, swipe right until you hear "Save, button," and double-tap the screen. The file is now saved to the location you selected in your OneDrive for work or school.

Download a file from OneDrive for Business

  1. Open the OneDrive app on your phone and browse to the file you want to download from OneDrive for work or school to your phone. When you hear the file name, swipe right. You hear: "File commands, button." Double-tap the screen to open the menu.

  2. Swipe right until you hear "Save," and double-tap the screen. The default saving location is the Download folder. To accept, swipe right until you hear "Save," and double-tap the screen to save.

    If you want to save to another location, swipe left until you hear "Navigate up, button," and double-tap the screen. Then swipe right until you hear the location you want to save to, and double-tap the screen to open the folder. To save, swipe right to the Save button, and double-tap the screen.

    The file is downloaded to your device.

Share a file from OneDrive for Business

  1. Browse to the file you want to share in OneDrive for work or school on your phone. When you hear the file name, swipe right. You hear: "File commands, button." Double-tap the screen to open the menu.

  2. Swipe right until you hear "Share," and double-tap the screen. A list of options opens. To hear the options, swipe right. To select an option, double-tap the screen.

    The upcoming dialog depends on the selected method of sharing. To navigate, swipe right or left. To select, double-tap the screen.

Stop sharing a file

  1. Browse to the file you want to stop sharing in OneDrive for work or school. When you hear the file name, swipe right. You hear: "File commands, button."

  2. Swipe right until you hear "Details, button," and double-tap the screen.

  3. Swipe right until you hear: "Shared with." You've reached the list of people the file is currently shared with. Swipe right to move through the list.

  4. When you hear the person you want to stop sharing with, double-tap the screen. A dialog opens. Swipe right until you hear "Stop sharing," and double-tap the screen to select.

  5. Swipe right until you hear "OK, button," and double-tap the screen. You've stopped sharing the file with the selected person.

Sign out of OneDrive for Business

  1. In the OneDrive app on your phone, swipe right until you hear "Me, pivot," and double-tap the screen.

    Note: If you have more than one account in OneDrive, sign-out applies to the account that you're currently signed in with. To change the account you're using, in OneDrive, swipe left or right until you reach the Account switcher button in the top left corner of the screen, and double-tap the screen. A menu listing the accounts opens. Swipe right to move through the menu, and double-tap the screen to select.

  2. The Me menu opens. Swipe right until you hear "Sign out," and double-tap the screen. The Sign out dialog opens. Swipe right until you hear "OK, button," and double-tap the screen to complete signing out. You're signed out of OneDrive for work or school and return to the Files view.

See also

Set up your device to work with accessibility in Microsoft 365

Use a screen reader to explore and navigate OneDrive for Business

Use your keyboard and a screen reader to store and share files to your OneDrive for work or school. We have tested it with Narrator, but it might work with other screen readers as long as they follow common accessibility standards and guidelines.


  • New Microsoft 365 features are released gradually to Microsoft 365 subscribers, so your app might not have these features yet. To learn how you can get new features faster, join the Office Insider program.

  • To learn more about screen readers, go to How screen readers work with Microsoft Office.

  • When you use OneDrive for work or school in your web browser, the keyboard shortcuts are different from desktop use. For example, you'll use Ctrl+F6 instead of F6 for jumping in and out of the commands. Also, common shortcuts like F1 (Help) and Ctrl+O (Open) apply to the web browser – not to OneDrive for work or school.

In this topic

Open OneDrive for Business

  1. In your browser, go to the Office login page and sign in with your organizational credentials.

  2. Press the Tab key until you hear "Apps, go to OneDrive for Business," and press Enter. Your OneDrive for work or school opens in a new browser tab.

Open an item in OneDrive for Business

  1. In OneDrive for work or school, press the Tab key until you hear: "List of folders and files." Use the Tab key and Up and Down arrow keys to navigate to the item you want to open.

  2. When you hear the name of the item, press Enter to open it.

Upload an item to OneDrive for Business

Upload a file or folder from your computer to OneDrive for work or school.

  1. In OneDrive for work or school, navigate to the location you want to upload the item to.

  2. Press Shift+Tab until you hear: "Commands." Press the Right arrow key until you hear "Upload," and press Enter.

  3. A menu opens and you hear "Menu" or "Upload." Press the Down arrow key to move through the items. When you hear the type of item you want to upload, press Enter.

  4. A File Explorer window opens. The focus is in the File name field. Navigate to the file you want to upload using the Tab and arrow keys, or type the name of the file into the field (if the file is located in the folder that's currently open). Press Enter to upload. The File Explorer window closes and the file is uploaded to your OneDrive for work or school.

Download an item from OneDrive for Business

Download a file or folder from OneDrive for work or school to your computer.

  1. In OneDrive for work or school, navigate to the item you want to download, and press Enter to select the item if it's not selected already.

  2. Press Shift+Tab until you hear: "Commands." Press the Right arrow key until you hear "Download," and press Enter.

  3. You hear a notification text alerting you to select what to do with the item you're downloading. Press the Tab key until you hear "Save," and press Enter.

  4. The item is downloaded to your computer. To open the item or its folder location, press Shift+Tab until you hear the option you want, and press Enter.

Share an item from OneDrive for Business

You can share files and folders stored in your OneDrive for work or school with others in your organization by, for example, sending a link to the item directly from OneDrive for work or school. The link is sent by email.

  1. In OneDrive for work or school, go to the item you want to share, and press Enter to select the item, if it's not already selected.

  2. Press Shift+Tab until you hear: "Commands." If the first command is Share, press Enter. If the first command is something else, press the Right arrow key until you hear "Share," and press Enter.

  3. The Send Link dialog opens. The focus is in the email address field. Type the email address of person you want to share with and press Enter. If you want to invite others, type another email address and press Enter.

  4. To add a message to send with the link, press the Tab key until you hear "Add a message, optional," and press Enter. Type your message. When done, press the Tab key to move to the Send button. Press Enter to send.

Stop sharing an item

  1. In OneDrive for work or school, go to the item you want to stop sharing, and press Enter to select the item, if it's not already selected.

  2. Press the Right arrow key until you hear "Button, Sharing column, Shared, column header Sharing," and press Enter.

  3. The Details info pane opens. Press the Tab key until you hear "View permissions," and press Enter.

  4. The Manage Access dialog opens. Press the Tab key until you hear "Stop sharing," and press Enter.

  5. The Stop sharing? dialog opens. Press the Tab key. You hear: "Stop sharing." Press Enter to select and stop sharing. To close the Manage Access dialog, press Esc.

Sign out of OneDrive for Business

When you sign out of OneDrive for work or school, you're signed out of your Microsoft 365 account.

  1. In OneDrive for work or school, press the Tab key or Shift+Tab until you hear: "User settings." Press Enter.

  2. The My accounts pane opens. Press the Tab key until you hear "Sign out," and press Enter.

See also

Keyboard shortcuts for OneDrive for Business

Use a screen reader to explore and navigate OneDrive for Business

Technical support for customers with disabilities

Microsoft wants to provide the best possible experience for all our customers. If you have a disability or questions related to accessibility, please contact the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk for technical assistance. The Disability Answer Desk support team is trained in using many popular assistive technologies and can offer assistance in English, Spanish, French, and American Sign Language. Please go to the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk site to find out the contact details for your region.

If you are a government, commercial, or enterprise user, please contact the enterprise Disability Answer Desk.

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