Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Check for macros that might contain viruses

Check for macros that might contain viruses

A macro virus is a type of computer virus that could be stored in macros within a Visio document (such as a drawing, stencil, or template), or within any ActiveX control, COM add-in, or Visio add-on that Visio loads.

  • If you expect a document, ActiveX control, COM add-in, or Visio add-on to contain useful macros, open the file with the macros enabled (click Enable Macros in the macro virus warning message). If you don't know or trust the source that published the macros, or if you are not expecting a particular document to contain macros, open the file without macros to help prevent the possible transmission of macro viruses (click Disable Macros in the macro virus warning message).

Note: Opening a file with macros disabled might limit the file's expected functionality.

  • Visio cannot scan a disk, disk drive, or network drive to find and delete macro viruses. If you want this kind of protection, you must purchase and install specialized antivirus software. Visio does, however, display a warning message whenever you open a document, ActiveX control, COM add-in, or Visio add-on that contains macros that might contain a virus. You can then choose to open the file with or without its macros.


    • If you want, you can stop checking documents, ActiveX controls, COM add-ins, or Visio add-ons for macros that might contain viruses by setting the security level for macro virus protection to Low (however, this setting is not recommended).

    • You cannot set the security level lower than your security policy allows. For example, if your system administrator has set your security level to High, you cannot change your security level to Medium, even though you have selected Medium in this dialog box.

    • When you change the security level, you must restart Visio for the changes to take effect.

    • Because macros can contain viruses, be careful about running them. Among the precautions you take, be sure to run up-to-date antivirus software on your computer, use digital signatures, and maintain a list of trusted sources of macros.

    • To find out more about macro viruses, including how to purchase antivirus software that scans your existing documents and removes macro viruses, you can download virus-protection information from the Microsoft Web site.

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