Sunday, January 15, 2017

Add a contact to your Contacts list

Add a contact to your Contacts list

Note: When you add a contact to your Contacts list, Communicator Mobile requests the contact's permission to display presence status to you. The contact's presence status will be displayed as Offline until the contact allows you to view his or her presence information.

If the user accepts your request, the presence status in the Contacts list will be updated. In the meantime, or if the contact denies permission, you can view the contact's presence status by searching for the contact as described in Search for a contact.

To add a contact by using search

  1. Click Menu > Find/Add Contact.

  2. Click Find by Display Name, and then click the search option that you want.

  3. Enter the first name, last name, e-mail address, or display name of the person whom you want to add to your Contacts list, and then click Find.

  4. In Search Result(s), click the name of the person whom you want to add to your Contacts list, and then click Select > Menu > Add Contact.

  5. Click the name of the group that you want to add the contact to, and then click Ok. To add the contact to the Other Contacts group, click Cancel.

To add a contact by using the contact's SIP address

  1. In the main window, click Menu > Find/Add Contact.

  2. Click Find by Display Name > Find by E-mail.

  3. Enter the contact's full SIP address, and then click Find.

  4. In Search Result(s), click the address of the person whom you want to add to your Contacts list, and then click Select > Menu > Add Contact.

  5. Click the name of the group you want to add the contact to, and then click Ok. To add the contact to the Other Contacts group, click Cancel.

To add a contact during a conversation

  1. In the conversation window, click Menu > Add to Contacts.

  2. Click the name of the group you want to add the contact to, and then click Ok. To add the contact to the Other Contacts group, click Cancel.

See Als o

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