Monday, December 5, 2016

Sort dialog box

Sort dialog box

Use the Sort dialog box to sort task or resource information in the current view by a specified field. You can:

  • Select up to three fields for three levels of sorts within sorts.

  • Choose whether the view should be sorted in ascending or descending order.

  • Indicate whether items should be permanently renumbered according to the sort.

Dialog box location

Display the view that contains the information you want to sort. On the Project menu, point to Sort, and then click Sort by.


Sort by section

Sort by     Specifies the name of the primary field by which the current view will be sorted. If the current view is a task view, only task fields are listed. If the current view is a resource view, only resource fields are listed.

Ascending     Sorts tasks or resources from lowest values to highest (A to Z and 1, 2, 3…).

Descending     Sorts tasks or resources from highest values to lowest (Z to A and …3, 2, 1).

First Then by section

Then by     Specifies the name of the secondary field by which the current view will be sorted. Microsoft Office Project sorts the information by the primary field in the Sort by box. Within that sort, the view is then sorted by the field in this Then by box.

Ascending     Sorts tasks or resources from lowest values to highest (A to Z and 1, 2, 3…).

Descending     Sorts tasks or resources from highest values to lowest (Z to A and …3, 2, 1).

Second Then by section

Then by     Specifies the name of the tertiary field by which the current view will be sorted. Project sorts the information by the primary field in the Sort by box. Within that sort, the view is then sorted by the field in the first Then by box. Within that sort, the view is then sorted by the field in this second Then by box.

Ascending     Sorts tasks or resources from lowest values to highest (A to Z and 1, 2, 3…).

Descending     Sorts tasks or resources from highest values to lowest (Z to A and …3, 2, 1).

Check boxes

Permanently renumber tasks     Renumbers tasks' ID number based on the new sort order. The unique ID of the task remains unchanged. To renumber tasks, the Keep outline structure check box must also be selected.

Pay attention to this setting each time you specify a new sort, and indicate whether this sort is temporary or permanent.

To restore the original ID number sequence, click Undo Sort on the Edit menu before doing anything else.

Keep outline structure     Sorts tasks or resources within their outline structure. This means that subtasks remain with their summary tasks, resources remain with their projects, and assignments remain with their resource. Clear the check box to sort without regard to the outline structure. By default, this check box is selected.

Command buttons

Sort     Rearranges the tasks or resources based on the sorting criteria.

Reset     Returns the settings in the dialog box to the default settings.

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