Wednesday, December 21, 2016

About Currency Translation jobs in Planning Business Modeler

About Currency Translation jobs in Planning Business Modeler

The Currency Translation job performs currency conversions that are based on the exchange rate data that is associated with a model and the specified business processes from the currency rules.

To perform the tasks in a Currency Translation job, PerformancePoint Planning Business Modeler runs a business rule. For more information, see Currency rules.

To run a job, you must not only have permission to run the job, but also Read permission on the PerformancePoint Planning Server system database. Otherwise, you cannot see the results of the job. If you do not currently have Read permission on the database, talk to the Planning Server data administrator.

Templates and properties

If you select the CurrencyTranslation template for this job, you must set the following properties to run the job:

Job property name



Model on which to run the selected currency conversion.


The entity for which the conversion will run.


The scenario for which the conversion will run.


The currency to which the data will be converted.


The first period for which the currency conversion will run.


The last period for which the currency conversion will run.


The start date to use for exchange rates in the currency conversion.


The end date to use for exchange rates in the currency conversion.


The scenario to use for exchange rates in the currency conversion.

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