Create, modify, or delete a meeting request or appointment in or Outlook on the web
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You can create, modify, or delete a meeting request or appointment andOutlook on the web.
Note: If you're using an older version of Outlook, some features might be different or unavailable.
In this article
Create a meeting request or appointment
A meeting is a calendar event that you send to other people. You create a meeting the same way you do an appointment, but you invite attendees.
On the Outlook navigation bar, click the App Launcher, and then click Calendar.
Under the Outlook Calendar navigation bar, click New.
Under Details, add a title and location.
Choose a start and end time. You can also select one of these optional items:
All day: Check this box if this is an all day event.
Private: Check this box if you don't want others to see the details of this calendar event.
Repeat: Select one of the options from the list to make this a recurring meeting or appointment, and then set the dates that you want the recurring event to span using the two new From and To boxes.
In the Reminder box, adjust the time of the reminder if you need to - by default it's set to 15 minutes prior to the event.
If you want to send an email reminder to yourself (or to the participants, if this is a meeting), click Add an email reminder and provide this additional information:
Email reminder: Choose when the email reminder will be sent.
Send reminder to: Choose Me if you only want to send the reminder to yourself (such as an appointment) or All attendees if you want to send it to everyone in the meeting.
Reminder message to send: Fill this out with the message you want to send, and then click Save.
Under People, enter the names or aliases of the people you want to invite.
Under the Outlook navigation bar, click Save if this is an appointment you created for yourself, or click Send if this is a meeting with attendees.
Modify a meeting request or appointment
In the calendar, select the calendar event, such as a meeting or appointment, and click Edit.
If this is a recurring meeting or appointment, you will also have to choose one of the following:
Edit occurrence: Choose this option to open and make changes to a single calendar event.
Edit series: Choose this option to open and make changes to a series of calendar events.
Change any details for the meeting or appointment and then click Save if this is an appointment you created for yourself, or Send if this is a meeting with other attendees.
Delete a meeting request
In the calendar, select the meeting and click Cancel. In the Cancel event window, click Yes to cancel the event. You'll have a chance to type a message to the attendees before the meeting is cancelled.
If this is a recurring meeting, you will have to select one of these options when you first click Cancel:
Cancel occurrence: Choose this option to cancel the occurrence of the meeting you selected in the calendar.
Cancel series: Choose this option to cancel the meeting series.
Delete an appointment
Select the appointment in your calendar and select Delete. In the Delete event window, select Delete again.
If this is a recurring appointment, you will have to select one of these options when you first click Delete:
Delete occurrence: Choose this option to delete the occurrence you've selected in the calendar.
Delete series: Choose this option to delete the complete series of appointments.
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