Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Morse code activity

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The Morse Code project can be found in the Harnessing Electricity to Communicate lesson plan. This lesson plan explores a basic circuit, electromagnetism, and the role of both in communications. When building the telegraph,  students may run into some problems. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help them get unstuck: 

Problem - My screw isn't picking up any paperclips. 

Solution - Make sure that you have an iron screw (must be a ferrous metal to work as an electromagnet). 

  • Make sure your key is pressed down to complete the circuit and create a magnetic field.

  • The insulation on your coil leads may not be adequately sanded off.

Problem - I can't hear my plastic cup speaker. 

Solution - Try placing a bigger coil with more windings on the top of your cup. 

  • Try a stronger magnet.

  • The insulation on your coil leads may not be adequately sanded off.

Problem - My Morse code is coming into Excel too slowly. 

Solution - Decrease the Data delay (ms) by going to Advanced >Settings

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