Sunday, July 8, 2018

View Log Files

View Log Files

Use this dialog box to view the tracing and logging results for selected components.

Output File

Specify the location and name for the output file.


Click to browse for a location to write the output file.

Package for PSS

Click to package the logging information for the selected component so that the information can be sent to Microsoft Customer Service and Support.

Note: To package logging information, cabarc.exe must be installed on the computer. This file is available as part of the Windows Support Tools.


Click to open the log file for the selected component in a text editor.


Click to close the dialog box.

Learn More Online

Click to expand or collapse

Opening a log file converts the log file contents to text. Each component you select opens in a separate instance of the program you have associated with the .txt extension (Microsoft Notepad by default).

For details about administering Office Communications Server, including viewing and packaging log files, see the Operations section of the Office Communications Server Technical Library.

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