Paragraph (Line and Paragraph Breaks tab)
Use options on the Line and Paragraph Breaks tab to control how lines and paragraphs break between text boxes or columns. These options apply only to selected text or paragraphs.
Widow/Orphan control Widows and orphans are single lines of text in a paragraph that print at the top or bottom of a text box or column. To prevent widows and orphans by always having at least two lines of text at the top or bottom of a text box, select the Widow/Orphan control check box.
Keep with next You can prevent two paragraphs from being split between two text boxes or columns. To keep a selected paragraph and the one that follows it together in the same text box or column, select the Keep with next check box.
Keep lines together You can prevent a paragraph from being split between two text boxes or columns. To keep all the lines of a selected paragraph together in the same text box or column, select the Keep lines together check box.
Start in next text box To make sure that a selected paragraph always starts at the top of a text box, select the Start in next text box check box.
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