Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Manage form templates

Manage form templates

Note: Visit www.microsoft.com for the most up-to-date and comprehensive information.

The Manage Form Templates page provides a central location where you can manage administrator-approved form templates for the entire farm. You cannot manage user form templates from the Manage Form Templates page.

To access the Manage Form Templates page:

  1. On the top navigation bar, click Application Management.

  2. On the Application Management page, in the InfoPath Forms Services section, click Manage form templates.

What do you want to do?

View form templates

View form template properties

Upload or upgrade a form template

Remove a form template

View form templates

  • On the Manage Form Templates page, select one of the following from the navigation bar:

    • All Forms. Lists all form templates.

    • Last 20. Lists the last 20 form templates that were uploaded.

    • By Category. Lists form templates in a tree view according to their category. Each category can be expanded or collapsed to show or hide form templates in that category.

    • By Status. Lists form templates in a tree view according to their status. Each status type can be expanded or collapsed to show or hide form templates that have that status.

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View form template properties

  • On the Manage Form Templates page, in the list of form templates, point to the form template for which you want to view properties, click the arrow that appears, and then click View Properties.

  • On the Form Template Properties page, you can assign a category to the form template by typing the category in the Category name box. When you view by category on the Manage Form Templates page, the form template appears in the category to which it is assigned.

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Upload or upgrade a form template

  1. On the Manage Form Templates page, click Upload form template.

  2. On the Upload Form Template page, in the File Name box in the Upload Form Template section, enter the file name of the form template.

    You can retrieve information about the template (such as errors and warnings) before uploading by clicking Verify.

  3. In the Upgrade section, select the Upgrade the form template if it already exists check box if you want to replace an older version of the template with the new version that you are uploading. If you select this check box, select either:

    • Allow existing browser-based form filling sessions to complete using the current version of the form template. Select this option if you want forms that are already open to continue to use the current version of the form template.

    • Terminate existing browser-based form filling sessions. Any data in those sessions will be lost. Select this option if you do not want forms that are already open to continue to use the old version of the form template. Data from open sessions that use the old template will be lost.

      If you want to wait until all sessions of the old form template are completed before you upgrade a form template, you need to quiesce the old form template before uploading the new template.

  4. Click Upload.

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Remove a form template

When you remove a form template without first quiescing it, all current sessions are immediately terminated.

  1. On the Manage Form Templates page, in the list of form templates, point to the form template that you want to remove, click the arrow that appears, and then click Remove Form.

  2. On the Remove Form Template page, click Remove form.

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