Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Keyboard shortcuts for SharePoint

Keyboard shortcuts for SharePoint

OneDrive for Business and SharePoint provide keyboard shortcuts that you can use for common tasks. These keyboard shortcuts refer to the U.S. keyboard layout. Keys on other keyboard layouts may not correspond exactly to the keys on a U.S. keyboard.

Some keyboard shortcuts described here use just one key and others use two or more keys. If you have to press two or more keys simultaneously, the keys are separated by a plus sign (+). If you have to press one key immediately followed by another key, the keys are separated by a comma (,).

Keyboard shortcuts for SharePoint pages

All pages

Edit Rich text

List or library page

Survey page

Getting Help

All pages

These keyboard shortcuts apply to all pages.

To do this


Turn More Accessible Mode on or off.

TAB (Press repeatedly, immediately after you open the page in a browser.)

Expand menus, such as the drop-down menu for a list item.


Move to different options in a drop down list, such as the Search Scope menu next to the Search box at the top of some pages.


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Use rich text editing

Rich text editing is available in several locations, such the Insert tab when you edit a page on a site.

To do this


Apply or remove bold formatting from the selected text.


Apply or remove italic formatting from the selected text.


Apply or remove the underline from the selected text.


Remove a paragraph indent from the left.


Indent a paragraph from the left.


Delete the selection without adding it on the Clipboard.


Switch between inserting and overwriting text.


Delete the selection, or if there is no selection, the character in front of the cursor.


Delete all of the word in front of the cursor, but not the previous space.


Insert a new line (but not inside the HTML Paragraph element <P>).


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List or library page

The following keyboard shortcuts are available in OneDrive for Business or in a SharePoint list or library.

To do this


Create a document.

Alt + N.

Alt + N opens a shortcut menu that lists the types of documents that you can create: Microsoft Word 2013, Excel, PowerPoint, orOneNote. You can also add a new folder to the library.

Upload a document.

ALT + U opens a dialog box where you can browse for a file to upload.

Edit a page in Datasheet view.

In a SharePoint list, select a list item and then TAB to find the edit command .

Create a folder.

ALT + N, then Tab to find New folder on the shortcut menu.

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Survey page

To do this


Activate the Actions menu.

ALT+C (To open the menu, press SHIFT+ENTER. To select a command, press DOWN ARROW.)

Activate the Respond to this Survey button.


Activate the Export Results to spreadsheet command. This command is located on the Actions menu.

ALT+C (To open the menu, press SHIFT+ENTER. To select a command, press DOWN ARROW.)

Activate the Show a graphical summary of responses link.


Select the Save and Close button in a form for editing a survey response, .


Activate the Show all responses link.


Activate the Settings menu.


Activate the Next Page button.


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Getting Help

To open the Help window, Tab to the "?" (question mark) image, and then press Enter to open a shortcut menu. The Help window displays a list of links to help and how-to topics that are related to the active page.

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1 comment:

  1. Microsoft Office Tutorials: Keyboard Shortcuts For Sharepoint >>>>> Download Now

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    Microsoft Office Tutorials: Keyboard Shortcuts For Sharepoint >>>>> Download LINK

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    Microsoft Office Tutorials: Keyboard Shortcuts For Sharepoint >>>>> Download Full

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