Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Viewing properties for a shared folder in SharePoint Workspace 2010

Viewing properties for a shared folder in SharePoint Workspace 2010

In addition to viewing general workspace properties, you can also view folder synchronization properties for a shared folder.

  1. In the Launchbar, right-click the shared folder, and then click Properties.

  2. View information on the Folder Info and Status tabs of the Properties dialog box.

The Folder Info tab provides the following information:

  • The root folder path for the shared folder.

  • Files and file extensions excluded from synchronization.

  • File attributes (such as Hidden or System) excluded from synchronization.

  • Current synchronization status.

The Status tab provides information about file synchronization status and problems. Typically, synchronization problems might result for the following reasons:

  • A file is locked because it is in use by another application.

  • A file has a disallowed file type.

  • You are not authorized to use the file.

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