Saturday, February 3, 2018

Format Picture (Picture Corrections pane)

Format Picture (Picture Corrections pane)


  • When you change options in this dialog box, the changes are immediately applied to your picture, making it easy to see the effects of the changes in your picture without closing the dialog box. However, because the changes are instantly applied, it is not possible to click Cancel in this dialog box. To remove changes, you must click Undo Button image on the Quick Access Toolbar for each change that you want to remove.

  • You can simultaneously undo multiple changes that you made to one dialog box option, as long as you did not make changes to another dialog box option in between.

  • You may want to move the dialog box so that you can see both the picture and the dialog box at the same time.

Sharpen and Soften

You can use Sharpen and Soften to enhance picture details or make pictures more appealing by removing unwanted blemishes on a picture. The sharper the image, the greater the contrast along the edges of objects in the picture and the softer the image the fuzzier the picture.

Presets     To choose one of the most common, built-in blurriness adjustments, click Presets, and then click the option that you want.

Soften and Sharpen      Move the slider to adjust the amount of blurriness, or enter a number in the box next to the slider.

Brightness and Contrast

You can adjust the relative lightness of a picture (brightness) and the difference between the darkest and lightest areas (contrast). Increasing or decreasing brightness can bring out detail in over or under-exposed pictures while increasing or decreasing contrast changes how defined the borders between light and dark are by increasing or decreasing the number of shades of gray.

Presets     To choose one of the most common, built-in adjustments, click Presets, and then click the option that you want.

Brightness     Move the Brightness slider, or enter a number in the box next to the slider to make the picture brighter.

Contrast     Move the Contrast slider, or enter a number in the box next to the slider to add more contrast to the picture.


Removes all the picture corrections applied to the picture from this dialog box pane.

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