Friday, August 18, 2017

Visual Reports - Save Reporting Data dialog box

Visual Reports - Save Reporting Data dialog box

Use the Visual Reports - Save Reporting Data dialog box to retain or export the reporting data you've specified for this particular project. This is particularly useful if you want to capture a snapshot of the project data at this moment in time for other uses, for example, comparing against past and future reports or analyzing trends. You can:

  • Specify the type of reporting data to be saved, for example, for a Resource Usage or Task Summary report from the current project.

  • Specify the built-in and custom fields that should be saved.

  • Save the combination of data used in the OLAP cube to create reports for the current project.

  • Save the Microsoft Office Access database that contains the report data for the current project.

Dialog box location

On the Report menu, click Visual Reports. Complete the Visual Reports - Create Report dialog box, and then click the Save Data button.


Save Reporting Cube

OLAP cube list    Click the OLAP cube in the list that represents the type of reporting data you want to save. Click Task Usage, Resource Usage, Assignment Usage, Task Summary, Resource Summary, or Assignment Summary.

Field Picker    Click this button to open the Visual Reports - Field Picker dialog box. Using this dialog box, you can select the built-in fields and custom fields whose data are to be used in the selected OLAP cube.

Save Cube    Click this button to save the OLAP cube for the current project, along with the fields you have selected for use in the cube. The Save As dialog box appears. Browse to the folder where you want to store the OLAP cube. Change the file name if necessary, and then click Save. The file is saved as a Cube file with the .cub file name extension.

Save Reporting Database

Save Database    Click this button to export the reporting data for the current project as a Microsoft Office Access database. Browse to the folder where you want to store the database. Change the file name if necessary, and then click Save. The file is saved as a Microsoft Access database with the .mdb file name extension.

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