Friday, August 4, 2017

View employee details on a Duet Enterprise site

View employee details on a Duet Enterprise site

Duet Enterprise for Microsoft SharePoint and SAP can retrieve details of your colleagues from the SAP system and display them in Microsoft SharePoint Server.

What do you want to do?

View employees list

View employee details

View employees list

The list of colleagues and other employees that you see will depend on your authorization in the system, as configured by your administrator.

  • To view the list of employees, click on the Employee list in the Quick Launch pane on your Duet Enterprise site.

View employee details

To view the details about an employee:

  1. From the Quick Launch pane in your Duet Enterprise site, click Employee.

  2. On the Employee list, click the down-arrow next to the name of the employee whose details you want to view, and then click View Item.

Duet Enterprise displays the detailed information for the employee that is recorded in the SAP system.

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