Saturday, August 19, 2017

Video: Use the Contacts Web Database template

Video: Use the Contacts Web Database template

I was going to create a database from s c ratch. This [template and video ] will give me not only a framework, but also great ideas to incorporate, like the i m port from Outlook.
– Access customer, via topic feedback
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The Access 2010 Contacts Web Database enables you to quickly start tracking information about colleagues, family, or friends. This video shows you how to start using the database.

In the video

Add a new contact

View and edit contacts

View and edit contacts on the Address Book form

View and edit contacts on the Datasheet form

Search for a contact

Attach files to a record

Edit the items in a drop-down list

Preview and print a report

Publish the database to Access Services

Add a new contact

  1. Click the Address Book tab or the Datasheet tab.

  2. Click Add New.

  3. In the Contact Details form, fill in the information that you have.

  4. If you want to add another contact, click Save & New, and repeat step 3. Otherwise, click Save & Close.

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View and edit contacts

View and edit contacts on the Address Book form

  1. Click the Address Book tab.

  2. In the pane on the left, click the name of the contact you want to view.

  3. To add a comment about the contact, type the comment in the Add a Comment box, and then click Save.

  4. To edit the contact, click Edit Details, edit the information as needed, and then click Save & Close.

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View and edit contacts on the Datasheet form

If the information that you want to edit is displayed in the datasheet, you can edit it just by placing the cursor in the datasheet and typing. Otherwise, use the following procedure.

  1. Scroll to the contact that you want to edit, and then double-click the First Name or Last Name cell. Alternatively, you can single-click in the ID column.

    Access opens the Contact Details form.

  2. Make the changes that you want, and then click Save & Close.

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Search for a contact

Search boxes are included on the Address Book form and the Datasheet form. To search for a contact:

  • Type any part of a name, company, address, or phone number in the search box, and then click the search icon or press ENTER.

    Access filters the records to those that contain the search terms you entered.

To clear the search, delete the contents of the search box, and then click the search icon or press ENTER.

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Attach files to a record

If a form or datasheet contains an Attachments field, you can use that field to attach pictures, documents, or other files to the record. Use the following procedure:

  1. Double-click the Attachments field.

  2. In the Attachments dialog box, click Add.

  3. Browse to the file you want to attach, and then click Open.

  4. In the Attachments dialog box, click OK.

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Edit the items in a drop-down list

Most drop-down lists in the Contacts Web Database can be edited to suit your needs. Use the following procedure:

  1. Click the down-arrow to display the list.

    If the list is editable, the Edit List Items button will appear just below the list.

  2. Click the Edit List Items button.

  3. In the Edit List Items dialog box, type the list items you want, one on each line.

  4. Optionally, select a default value from the Default Value list.

  5. Click OK.

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Preview and print a report

The Contacts Web Database template includes 5 reports. To preview a report:

  • Click the Report Center tab, and then under Select a Report, click the report you want to view.

    Access displays the report in the preview pane. To print the report:

  • Click Open in New Tab, and then on the File tab, click Print, and select the print option that you want.

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Publish the database to Access Services

If you have access to a SharePoint server that is running Access Services, you can publish the Contacts Web Database to the server and share it with your team. Use the following procedure:

  1. Click the File tab, and then click Publish to Access Services.

  2. In the Server URL box, type the URL of the SharePoint server that you want to use.

  3. In the Site Name box, type the name you want for the database. This will become part of the URL.

Click Publish to Access Services.

Access publishes the database to the server. If all goes well, Access displays a success message which contains a link to the new Web database.

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