Friday, August 4, 2017

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Product Overview

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Product Overview

Office Communicator 2007 R2 is a unified communications application that helps end users be more productive by enabling them to communicate and collaborate easily with others in different locations or time zones using a range of different communication options, including instant messaging (IM), voice, desktop sharing and video. Integration with programs across the Microsoft Office system — including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Groove, and SharePoint — gives end users many different ways to communicate directly from the context of their task.

In this article

What's New

Find and connect with people the better way

Instant message, phone, and desktop share from one application

Work from anywhere

What's New

Office Communicator 2007 R2 offers all the features of the previous version, including presence information, instant messaging (IM), voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), video, and desktop sharing. A number of new features have been added as well, including the ability to add more people to an existing audio-video conferencing session and share your desktop in order to collaborate, discuss, or edit documents with a single colleague or a whole team.

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Find and connect with people the better way

Increasingly, people and teams are more dispersed, working in different time zones and communicating in different ways. Knowing when and how to contact a person can be challenging.

  • Office Communicator 2007 R2 offers the presence indicator, which is the key feature that helps you make effective communication choices by providing detailed information about a person's availability and status. Presence status is set automatically based on your Outlook 2007 calendar, login status, and other information sources or you can manually set it from your Office Communicator window.

  • You can also set individual access levels for different contacts to selectively share your presence information with them. Presence information is available throughout Microsoft Office applications.

  • If you make a phone call from within Microsoft Office Outlook or share a comment with a business document author from within Microsoft Office Word, your presence indicator will reflect those changes in your status

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Instant message, phone, and desktop share from one application

Office Communicator 2007 R2 integrates the various ways you communicate and provides one application to give you a rich and flexible experience every time.

  • Whether you prefer instant messaging, audio, or video, it is all available in one application. Start an instant messaging conversation with a colleague, invite more people to the conversation, switch to voice, and add video with simple one-click actions.

  • You can even forward calls to your team, set delegates, and reach your voice mail easily with rich VoIP capabilities.

  • Also, with the new desktop sharing capability, you can easily collaborate with your colleagues and team members without the costly overhead of organizing elaborate meetings.

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Work from anywhere

Office Communicator 2007 R2 provides all of its capabilities from any location via a simple Internet connection. There is no need for a secure tunnel (VPN connection) to the corporate network. With security-enhanced VoIP, IM, and desktop sharing, you can be accessible whether you are in your office or traveling, helping you to communicate effectively and stay competitive in today's fast-paced work environment.

Note: These integration scenarios are examples only and are not meant to represent the full range of integration with Microsoft Office system programs.

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