Friday, August 4, 2017

Activate resource engagements in Project Online

Activate resource engagements in Project Online

If you're using Project Online, you need to activate the resource engagements features before you can start using them. The engagement features need to be turned on for each Project Online site in your organization. What are resource engagements?

Note: Resource engagements are only available if you're using Project Professional 2016 or Project Online Desktop Client, connected to Project Online or Project Server 2016. Project Standard 2016 does not include resource engagements.

To turn on engagements for a Project Online site:

  1. Sign into your Project Online site and choose Settings > PWA Settings.

    Settings menu

    Tip: If you're in the Resource Center, you can click Additional Server Settings in the yellow note at the top of the view, and then skip to Step 3.

  2. Under Operational Policies, choose Additional Server Settings.

    Additional Server Settings listed under Operational Policies

  3. Under New Resource Management Features Available, select the Activate check box, click OK after reading the message about data migration, and then click Save.

    Activate check box

What happens to my existing resource plans?

If you've been using resource plans in your Project Online site, those plans will be converted into resource engagements. Learn more.

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