Monday, June 7, 2021

Iste 2019 philadelphia

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Hi, educator friends! We hope you enjoyed the Get your collab on with Office web apps and Easy schoolwide data collection with Microsoft Forms sessions as much as we enjoyed having you there. You probably grabbed a copy of the Ready-to-go resource packets on your way out and maybe that's how you found your way here.

These digital resources are quick start templates and ready-made quizzes and surveys for you to use soon, like right now, if you want.

Download them and make them your own. Duplicate the Forms, personalize the questions and content, and hit Send. Seriously. It's that easy. 

Easy school-wide data collection with Microsoft Forms 

Get to know just about everything about every student, colleague, and parent that you work with. And if you think we're exaggerating, check out these digital versions of the survey and quiz ideas from the Ready-to-go resource packet you picked up in the Microsoft Forms session.

You'll find a classroom climate survey, lesson observation forms for the observer, teacher, and students, a back to school survey, a student goal setting survey, an exit ticket quiz, and example of a branched quiz.

Duplicate any of these and they'll save in your Office 365 account. Use them right away or personalize for your needs. Your knowledge gathering starts now! 

Get Your collab on with Office web apps! 

Make "Collaboration" your middle name with these Word and PowerPoint templates. Use a shared Word doc to connect cross-grade book buddies. Engage students in content review as they craft masterful quiz shows in PowerPoint. 

Share end-of-year celebration responsibilities with colleagues when you all contribute to the memory slideshow in PowerPoint.  

Additional resources

ISTE 2019 Teacher training course overview

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