Sunday, April 29, 2018

Change Row Type dialog box

Change Row Type dialog box

Use this dialog box to change the type of the selected row in the Geometry section of a ShapeSheet spreadsheet. Changing the row type changes the type of the segment the row refers to.

If you select a Controls row, clicking the Change Row Type command toggles between showing and hiding the control handle tip.


If the MoveTo row is the first row in the section, the MoveTo row contains the x- and y-coordinates of the first vertex of the shape. Usually this is the first vertex that was placed when the shape was drawn, and it does not necessarily correspond to the begin point of a 1-D shape.

You can also use the MoveTo row to move to another point without drawing a line between the two points. This causes a break in the shape's path. To do this, insert a row between two rows and change the row type to MoveTo. If the MoveTo row is between two rows, it contains the x- and y-coordinates of the first vertex of the line after the break in the shape's path.

The x- and y-coordinates in this row are represented by X and Y cells.


Changes the segment into a line. The endpoints of the line are defined by the X and Y cells in the Geometry section row.


Changes the segment into a circular arc. The endpoints of the arc are defined by the X and Y cells, and the bow is defined by the A cell in the Geometry section row.


Changes the segment into an elliptical arc. The X and Y cells define the endpoints of the arc; the A and B cells contain the coordinates of the segment's control point; the C cell specifies an angle between 0 and 180 degrees for orientation; and the D cell specifies the ratio of the major to minor axis, which is usually 1 or greater (it must be greater than 0).


Changes the segment into a polyline. The PolylineTo row contains x- and y-coordinates for a polyline in the X and Y cells respectively, and it contains a polyline formula in the A cell.


Changes the segment into a NURBS (non-uniform rational B-spline). The NURBSTo row contains the x- and y-coordinates, the position of the second to last knot, the position of the last weight, the position of the first knot, the position of the first weight, and the formula for a NURBS. This information is contained in the X, Y, A, B, C, D, and E cells respectively.

You can create a NURBS by using the Freeform tool    Button image .


Changes the segment into a spline start. The X and Y cells define the second control point of the spline. (The first control point of the spline is defined by the X and Y cells in the row preceding the SplineStart row.) The A, B, and C cells specify the spline's first, second, and last knot, respectively. The D cell specifies the degree of the spline, which controls the curvature of the spline with respect to its control polygon.


Changes the segment into a spline knot. The X and Y cells define the control point for the row. The A cell indicates a spline knot.


Changes the segment into an infinite line. The InfiniteLine row contains the x- and y-coordinates of two points on an infinite line.


Changes the segment into an ellipse. The Ellipse row contains the x- and y-coordinates of the ellipse's center point and two other points on the ellipse. The X and Y cells contain the x- and y-coordinates of the center point. The A and B cells contain the coordinates of the first additional point, and the C and D cells contain the coordinates of the second additional point.

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