Monday, June 12, 2017

Use a screen reader to insert a hyperlink in an email message in Mail for Windows 10

Use a screen reader to insert a hyperlink in an email message in Mail for Windows 10

Hyperlinks are the basic action on the web. With Mail for Windows 10 you can add hyperlinks to your email, including text to display, so your friends can read ordinary text instead of URLs.

For more information about the Insert tab, see Format, Insert, and Options buttons on the Format tab.

To insert a hyperlink in an email message

  1. When you're editing an email message, press the Alt key to get to the ribbon.

  2. Press the Right Arrow key until you reach the Insert tab, and then use the Down Arrow key to move to the lower ribbon.

  3. Press the Tab key to go to the Link button.

  4. Press Enter to open the link dialog.

  5. Mail for Windows 10 places the cursor in the Address box, ready for you to enter the URL for the link.

  6. Press Shift+Tab to move to the Text to display box.

  7. Type a meaningful phrase for the link. The phrase should give someone a clear idea of the link destination.

  8. Press the Tab key twice to move to the Insert button.

  9. Press Enter to insert the link in the email message.

More information

Use a screen reader to insert a picture in an email message in Mail for Windows 10

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Use a screen reader with Mail for Windows 10

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