Friday, June 4, 2021

Closewindow macro action

You can use the CloseWindow action to close either a specified Access document tab or the active document tab if none is specified.

Note: Beginning in Access 2010 the Close macro action was renamed to CloseWindow.

Note: The CloseWindow macro action is not available in Access web apps.


The CloseWindow macro action has the following arguments.

Action argument


Object Type

The type of object whose document tab you want to close. Click Table, Query, Form, Report, Macro, Module, Data Access Page, Server View, Diagram, Stored Procedure, or Function in the Object Type box in the Action Arguments section of the macro design window. To select the active document tab, leave this argument blank.

Note: If you are closing a module in the Visual Basic Editor, you must use Module in the Object Type argument.

Object Name

The name of the object to be closed. The Object Name box shows all objects in the database of the type selected by the Object Type argument. Click the object to close. If you leave the Object Type argument blank, leave this argument blank also.


Whether to save changes to the object when it is closed. Click Yes (save the object), No (close the object without saving it), or Prompt (prompt the user whether or not to save the object). The default is Prompt.


The CloseWindow action works on all database objects that the user can explicitly open or close. This action has the same effect as selecting an object and then closing it by right-clicking the object's document tab and then clicking Close on the shortcut menu, or clicking the Close button Button image for the object.

If the Save argument is set to Prompt and the object hasn't already been saved before the Close action is carried out, a dialog box prompts the user to save the object before the macro closes it. If you have set the Warnings On argument of the SetWarnings action to No, the dialog box is not displayed and the object is automatically saved.

To run the CloseWindow action in a Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) module, use the Close method of the DoCmd object.

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