Monday, May 17, 2021

Breadboarding and prototyping in hacking stem

Breadboarding & Prototyping

Breadboards and prototyping boards are used to create electronic circuits. Electronic components can be connected by inserting leads or terminals into the breadboard holes and then making connections through wires. The breadboard has strips of metal underneath the board that connect the holes on the top of the board. The breadboards we recommend are solderless so that they can be reused for multiple projects. 

The two rows between the red and blue lines at the top and bottom of the board are the power (+) and ground (-) ports. They run horizontally along the colored lines. The numbered rows a through e and f through j run vertically along the board and are connected via a common metal rail.  However, the five a-e ports and the five f-j ports are separated and do not connect. 

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In the Instructions PDF, you will find schematics developed in Fritzing (see example below) that demonstrate where to connect the electrical components, the steps to connect them, and the materials you'll need. Below is an example of Fritzing: 

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