Thursday, February 18, 2021

Draw or change a line or arrow

You can readily draw lines and arrows in Publisher to illustrate or connect objects in your publication.

Draw a line or arrow

  1. Click Home, then click Shapes Shapes submenu in Objects box  on ribbon , and choose the line or arrow shape that you want.

  2. Position the mouse pointer where you want the line to begin, and then drag the mouse.

Change a line or arrow

  1. Right-click the line or arrow.

  2. On the shortcut menu, click Format AutoShape.

  3. In the Format AutoShape dialog, select the options you want.

    Notice that there is a selection menu available to let you change the fill color, bring forward or move back the line or arrow, or select the format painter.

  4. To change the direction of an arrow, click on the beginning or end of the shape and drag to the location you want.

Draw a line or arrow

  1. On the Objects toolbar, click Line Button image or Arrow Button image .

  2. Position the mouse pointer where you want the line to begin, and then drag the mouse.

Change a line or arrow

  1. Right-click the line or arrow.

  2. On the shortcut menu, click Format AutoShape.

  3. In the Format AutoShape dialog, select the options you want.


To change the direction of an arrow, use the rotate buttons on the Standard toolbar.

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