Saturday, January 26, 2019

Global Properties: Archiving

Global Properties: Archiving

Use this tab to enable archiving for all the users in your organization and all federated users, or for certain users as specified by user settings.

Note: The settings on this tab take effect only if the Archiving Server has already been deployed. To deploy Archiving Server, see the Archiving Server deployment documentation.

Internal communications

Specifies the archiving settings for Office Communications Server activity conducted between internal users in your organization.

Archive for all users

To archive instant messaging (IM) conversations for all users inside your organization's network, click this option.

Do not archive for any users

To archive IM conversations for none of the users inside your organization's network, click this option.

Archive according to user settings

To archive IM conversations for certain users inside your organization's network, click this option.

Federated communications

Specifies the archiving settings for Office Communications Server activity conducted between internal users in your organization and users in an organization that is federated with yours.

Archive for all users

To archive IM conversations for all users that are outside your organization and part of a federated network, click this option.

Do not archive for any users

To archive IM conversations for none of the users that are outside your organization and part of a federated network, click this option.

Archive according to user settings

To archive IM conversations for certain users that are outside your organization and part of a federated network, click this option.

Learn More Online

Click to expand or collapse

When you configure archiving at the global level for all users in the forest, archiving settings are not configurable at the user level. If you want to archive for some users, but not all, you must configure global properties for the forest to archive according to user settings. After you have configured archiving at the forest level in this way, you must also configure archiving at the pool level. Furthermore, if you configure the forest to archive according to user settings, you must enable archiving for each user or group of users whose activity you want to capture.

For details, see the Operations section of the Office Communications Server Technical Library.

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