Sunday, October 7, 2018

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As you roll out Yammer within your organization, you will want to personalize the network. This involves some practical changes that can be made, and then the main work is building the right culture for your Yammer network.

Add a logo, usage policy, and welcome message

  • Upload your organizational logo so that all using Yammer know what network they are in.

  • Establish a general usage policy that users are required to accept. This will make sure activity on Yammer is positive, constructive, and lines up with organizational policies.

  • Create a unique welcome message to invite users to start using Yammer.

For more information, see Setting up your Yammer network (Yammer Admin Guide) and Managing your Yammer users (Yammer Admin Guide).

Create a positive Yammer culture

Creating the right culture within your Yammer network is key to a successful roll out. Here are a few ideas to help get you started:

  • Provide clear etiquette and guidance to help Yammer conversations be positive and productive.

  • Use community managers to encourage others to contribute and model a positive tone.

  • Create a Yammer 101 group so everyone has a place to start, ask questions, and learn Yammer best practices.

Want More?

Yammer Success Guide

Personalizing Yammer for your organization requires changes that are 20% practical and 80% cultural.

For the practical changes, the first step is to upload your company logo to Yammer.

Then, establish a general usage policy that users are required to accept. This will help ensure activity on Yammer is positive, constructive, and lines up with organizational policies.

Next, create a unique welcome message to invite users to start using Yammer.

With the practical steps out of the way, the other 80% is creating the culture you want for Yammer.

There are many ways your organization can grow this culture. Here are some suggestions:

Provide clear etiquette and guidance to help Yammer conversations and engagements be both productive, and positive.

This ensures users understand what Yammer is for, and what it is not.

You can create a sense of community by giving people within your organization the responsibility to be community managers within the Yammer network. This group can model a positive tone and encourage others to contribute to groups.

Finally, creating a Yammer 101 group gives everyone a place to start, ask questions, and learn Yammer best practices.

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