Thursday, October 11, 2018

Customize site navigation

Customize site navigation

Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 provides several different ways in which you can customize the navigation for your site. This article is intended for site owners and site designers and includes information about adding items to and removing items from navigation, including the Quick Launch and the top link bar. It also describes how to display the tree view to show the contents and hierarchy of the site.

Note: You cannot customize the breadcrumb navigation at the top of the page.

What do you want to do?

Customize the Quick Launch

Customize the top link bar

Show or hide the tree view

Customize the Quick Launch

Hide or show the Quick Launch

Add or remove a list or library from the Quick Launch

Change the order of items on the Quick Launch

Add, edit, or delete a Quick Launch heading

Add a Quick Launch link

Edit, move, or delete a Quick Launch link

The Quick Launch is displayed on the home page of a Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 site and contains links to featured lists and libraries on the site, subsites of the current site, and People and Groups.

Quick Launch

By using the settings pages for each list or library, you can choose which lists and libraries appear on the Quick Launch. You can also change the order of links, add or delete links without going to the list or library, and add or delete sections, all from within a browser that is compatible with Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. You can even add links to pages outside the site.

Hide or show the Quick Launch

The Quick Launch appears by default when you first create a site. You can choose to hide or show the Quick Launch, according to the needs of your site. For example, you can show the Quick Launch on the top-level site and hide it on subsites.

  1. On the home page for the site, click the Site Actions menu Button image , and then click Site Settings.

    Note: On a site for which the Site Actions menu is customized, point to Site Settings, and then click the settings that you want to view.

  1. In the Look and Feel column, click Tree view.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • To hide the Quick Launch, clear the Enable Quick Launch check box.

    • To show the Quick Launch, select the Enable Quick Launch check box.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Click the name of the site to return to the site home page.

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Add or remove a list or library from the Quick Launch

When you create a new list or library, by default a link to that item is automatically added to the Quick Launch. You can change the Navigation option at the time that you create a new list or library so that the list or library does not appear on the Quick Launch. You can also change the option later by editing the General settings for the list or library.

  1. On the Quick Launch, click View All Site Content.

  2. Click the name of the list or library.

    1. On the Settings menu settings menu , click List Settings, or click the settings for the type of library that you are opening.

      For example, in a document library, click Document Library Settings.

  3. In the General Settings column, click Title, description and navigation.

  4. In the Navigation section, do one of the following:

    • To remove the item from the Quick Launch, click No.

    • To add the item to the Quick Launch, click Yes.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Click the name of the site to return to the site home page.

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Change the order of items on the Quick Launch

You can change the order in which headings or links appear on the Quick Launch, but you can change the order of the links only under a given heading. For example, you may have a heading called Lists that contains links for Calendar and Tasks. You can move the Lists heading to a different location on the Quick Launch, but you can change the order of Calendar and Tasks only under the Lists heading. To move Calendar or Tasks to a different heading, you first need to edit the link to assign it to a different heading.

  1. On the home page for the site, click the Site Actions menu Button image , and then click Site Settings.

    Note: On a site for which the Site Actions menu is customized, point to Site Settings, and then click the settings that you want to view.

  1. In the Look and Feel column, click Quick Launch.

  2. Click Change Order.

  3. Click the options in the lists to change the order in which the headings and links are displayed.

  4. Click OK.

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Add, edit, or delete a Quick Launch heading

  1. On the home page for the site, click the Site Actions menu Button image , and then click Site Settings.

    Note: On a site for which the Site Actions menu is customized, point to Site Settings, and then click the settings that you want to view.

  1. In the Look and Feel column, click Quick Launch.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • To add a new heading, click New Heading. Type the URL and a description for the heading, and then click OK.

    • To edit a heading, click the Edit button Button image . Make any necessary changes to the URL and description, and then click OK.

    • To delete a heading, click the Edit button Button image , and then click Delete.

      Note: When you delete a heading from the Quick Launch, any links contained under that heading are also deleted.

  3. Click OK.

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Add a Quick Launch link

In addition to including links to lists or libraries on your site, you can add custom links to the Quick Launch. For example, you can include a link to information that you or members of your organization use frequently, such as a document, a calendar event, or even another site.

  1. On the home page for the site, click the Site Actions menu Button image , and then click Site Settings.

    Note: On a site for which the Site Actions menu is customized, point to Site Settings, and then click the settings that you want to view.

  1. In the Look and Feel column, click Quick Launch.

  2. Click New Link.

  3. Type the URL and a description for the link.

  4. In the Heading list, select the heading under which you want the link to appear.

  5. Click OK.

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Edit, move, or delete a Quick Launch link

  1. On the home page for the site, click the Site Actions menu Button image , and then click Site Settings.

    Note: On a site for which the Site Actions menu is customized, point to Site Settings, and then click the settings that you want to view.

  1. In the Look and Feel column, click Quick Launch.

  2. Click the Edit button Button image for the link that you want to edit or delete, and then do one of the following:

    • To edit the link, make any necessary changes, and then click OK.

    • To move the link to a different location on the Quick Launch, in the Heading list, select the new heading under which you want the link to appear, and then click OK.

    • To delete the link, click Delete, and then click OK.

      Note: When you delete a link from the Quick Launch, any links contained under that link are also deleted.

  3. Click the name of the site to return to the site home page.

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Customize the top link bar

Configure the top link bar for a site

Add, edit, or remove a link from the top link bar

Reorder links on the top link bar

The top link bar provides a way for users of your site to get to other sites in the site collection by displaying a row of tabs at the top of every page in the site.

Top link bar

When you create a new site, you can choose whether to include the site on the top link bar of the parent site and whether to use the top link bar from the parent site. This provides you with three different configuration options for your site:

  • Inherited and included in parent     The site is included as a tab on the top link bar of the parent site and uses the same top link bar as the parent site. The top link bar cannot be customized at this level without first breaking the inheritance from the parent site.

  • Inherited not included parent     The site uses the same top link bar as the parent site but is not included as a tab on the top link bar of the parent site. The top link bar cannot be customized at this level without first breaking the inheritance from the parent site.

  • Unique     The site is not included as a tab on the top link bar of the parent site and does not use the same top link bar as the parent site. The top link bar is customizable at this level and is completely separate from the parent site.

Note: If a site is renamed from the General Settings page, the site name is not updated on the top link bar. To change the name that appears on the top link bar, you must edit the top link bar.

Configure the top link bar for a site

By default, when you create a new site, the site appears on the top link bar of the parent site, and the new site inherits the top link bar of the parent site. To stop using the top link bar from the parent site, you can change the setting at any time and use a customized top link bar for your subsite.

  1. On the home page for the site, click the Site Actions menu Button image , and then click Site Settings.

    Note: On a site for which the Site Actions menu is customized, point to Site Settings, and then click the settings that you want to view.

  1. In the Look and Feel column, click Top link bar.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • To create custom links for the site, click Stop Inheriting Links.

    • To use the same links as the parent site, click Use Links from Parent.

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Add, edit, or remove a link from the top link bar

If your site is using a unique top link bar, you can customize the links that appear on the top link bar for the site. Any sites created below the parent site can also be displayed on the top link bar, provided that the sites are configured to inherit the parent top link bar. You can also include links to other sites outside of your site collection.

  1. On the home page for the site, click the Site Actions menu Button image , and then click Site Settings.

    Note: On a site for which the Site Actions menu is customized, point to Site Settings, and then click the settings that you want to view.

  1. In the Look and Feel column, click Top link bar.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • To add a new link, click New Link. Type the URL and a description for the link.

    • To edit a link, click the Edit button Button image . Make any necessary changes to the description.

    • To remove a link, click the Edit button Button image , and then click Delete.

      Note: When you delete a link from the top link bar, any links contained under that link are also deleted.

  3. Click OK.

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Reorder links on the top link bar

You can change the order in which the tabs are displayed on the top link bar. Any changes that you make to the order of items on the top link bar are reflected in any sites that inherit top link bar navigation from your site.

  1. On the home page for the site, click the Site Actions menu Button image , and then click Site Settings.

    Note: On a site for which the Site Actions menu is customized, point to Site Settings, and then click the settings that you want to view.

  1. In the Look and Feel column, click Top link bar.

  2. Click Change Order.

  3. In the Link Order column, click options in the lists to change the order in which the links appear on the top link bar.

  4. Click OK.

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Show or hide the tree view

The tree view is an extra navigation option that provides a hierarchical view of all sites, lists, and libraries in the site, including any sites below the current site level.

Note: You can only show or hide the tree view. You cannot customize the tree view by using a Web browser. For information about customizing the tree view by using an HTML editor that is compatible with Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, such as Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007, see the Windows SharePoint Services V3 SDK, which is available from the Windows SharePoint Services Developer Center on MSDN.

Quick Launch with tree view enabled

  1. On the home page for the site, click the Site Actions menu Button image , and then click Site Settings.

    Note: On a site for which the Site Actions menu is customized, point to Site Settings, and then click the settings that you want to view.

  1. In the Look and Feel column, click Tree view.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • To show the tree view, select the Enable Tree View check box, and then click OK.

    • To hide the tree view, clear the Enable Tree View check box, and then click OK.

  3. Click the name of the site to return to the site home page.

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