Monday, October 1, 2018

Add Recipients or Find User dialog box

Add Recipients or Find User dialog box

The Add Recipients and Add Attendees dialog boxes present the same set of features for addressing invitations to Groove workspaces and meetings in a Calendar tool. Both dialog boxes lead you to the Find User dialog box if SharePoint Workspace cannot find the name you enter.

  • Type a name or e-mail address in the Recipient box and click Add To List.

    Tip: To enter multiple e-mail addresses at once, type them separated by commas.

    If SharePoint Workspace cannot find a match for the name you type, you are prompted to search for your entry in a directory. Click OK to open the Find User dialog box.

  • Enter search criteria for the person you are trying to find.

    You can search using "Full Name", "First Name", "Last Name", "Business E-mail", or "Personal E-mail". The search will return all contacts in which a match is found in any of the valid fields. For example, the search string "john" would return contacts named "Andrew Johnson" because "john" is the first four characters in the "Last Name" field. As a rule of thumb, the more specific you make the search string (by typing more characters), the more specific and exacting your search result will be.

    Optional: Check "Include Public Workspace Contact Directory" if you want to include this directory in the search.

    Click Find. If a contact match is found, select it in the list.

To see more information about a selected contact in the list of found matches, click Properties.

Once you have found all the invitation recipients or contacts you want to add, click OK.

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