Thursday, June 8, 2017

Using the Conversation Window to Send an Instant Message

Using the Conversation Window to Send an Instant Message

After you invite someone to participate in an instant message conversation, the Conversation window appears. In the Conversation window, you can type instant messages, change the appearance of the message text, view a person's contact card, and invite other people to join the conversation.

The first instant message in a conversation can be up to 800 characters long. Subsequent messages can be up to 8000 characters long.

To type and send an instant message

  1. In the text box at the bottom of the Conversation window, type your message, and then press ENTER.

  2. To start a new line in the current message, press SHIFT+ENTER.

When another person is typing, the status bar of the Conversation window displays a message indicating who is typing. The status bar also displays the date and time of the last message that you received.

In the Conversation window, you can also perform the following tasks:

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