Sunday, June 4, 2017

Managing Roles

Managing Roles

A role is a set of authorizations to use resources in Live Meeting. By assigning members to roles, you control their access to Live Meeting resources according to what the members in each role need to do their work.

By editing a role, you affect the privileges of all members who are assigned that role.

When you edit a role, you can either reflect those changes immediately for all members who are assigned that role, or you can make the changes apply only to members who will be assigned that role in the future.

Live Meeting uses the following roles:

  • Administrator. Members who will make administrative changes to Live Meeting, including adding and deleting memberships.

  • Organizer. Members who will organize Live Meeting sessions.

You can override the role privileges for a member by editing the corresponding membership. For more information, see Creating and Managing Memberships.

To edit the Administrator role

  1. On the My Home page, in the Administer section, click Account.

  2. On the Account Administration Home page, click Roles and Policies.

  3. On the Administer Roles and Policies page, next to Administrator, click the Edit icon.

  4. To reset privileges for all Administrator members to the default Live Meeting settings, on the Edit Role page, click Reset.

  5. To allow Administrator members to make administrative changes to their accounts, select the Account Administrator Privileges check box.

  6. To allow Administrator members to view the Live Meeting address book, select the Address Book check box.

  7. To allow Administrator members to schedule all types of Live Meeting sessions, in the Meetings list, verify that Schedule Meeting and Meet Now is selected. To allow Administrator members to conduct Meet Now meetings but not to schedule meetings, click Meet Now Only.

  8. If you allow Administrator members to schedule Live Meeting sessions, click the options to allow or disallow them to use the following Live Meeting features in meetings they schedule:

    • Print to PDF. If you enable this option, use the Print to PDF list to specify whether all participants or only presenters can print slides and other documents associated with a meeting as Adobe Acrobat files (.pdf).

    • Application Sharing. If you enable this option, use the Application Sharing list to specify whether the member can share the desktop and a single application, or only share a single application.

    • Custom Frame. If you enable this option, a custom pane is available for participants to use in meetings.

    • Recording to server. If you enable this option, use the list to specify whether the member can manage existing recordings and create new recordings or only manage existing recordings.

    • Recording to participant's computer. If you enable this option, use the list to specify whether meeting presenters can record and save the recording to their computer and give attendees permission to do the same.

  9. To apply your settings only to new Administrator members, click Use these settings only for new Administrators. To apply your settings to all new and existing Administrator members, click Overwrite settings for All Existing Administrators.

  10. Click Submit.

To edit the Organizer role

  1. On the My Home page, in the Administer section, click Account.

  2. On the Account Administration Home page, click Roles and Policies.

  3. On the Administer Roles and Policies page, next to Organizer, click the Edit icon.

  4. On the Edit Role page, to reset privileges for all Organizer members to the default Live Meeting settings, click Reset.

  5. To allow Organizer members to make administrative changes to their accounts, select the Account Administrator Privileges check box.

  6. To allow Organizer members to view the Live Meeting address book, select the Address Book check box.

  7. To allow Organizer members to schedule all types of Live Meeting sessions, in the Meetings list, verify that Schedule Meeting and Meet Now is selected. Otherwise, to allow Organizer members to conduct Meet Now meetings, but disallow them from scheduling Live Meeting sessions, click Meet Now Only.

  8. If you allow Organizer members to schedule Live Meeting sessions, click the options to allow or disallow their ability to use the following Live Meeting features in meetings they schedule:

    • Print to PDF. If you enable this option, use the Print to PDF list to specify whether all participants, or only presenters, can print slides and other documents associated with a meeting as Adobe Acrobat files (.pdf).

    • Application Sharing. If you enable this option, use the Application Sharing list to specify whether the member can share the desktop and a single application, or a just share a single application.

    • Custom Frame. If you enable this option, a custom pane is available for participants to use in meetings.

    • Recording to server. If you enable this option, use the list to specify whether the member can manage existing recordings and create new recordings or only manage existing recordings.

    • Recording to participant's computer. If you enable this option, use the list to specify whether meeting presenters can record and save the recording to their computer and give attendees permission to do the same.

  9. To apply your settings only to new Organizer members, click Use these settings only for new Organizers. To apply your settings to all new and existing Organizer members, click Overwrite settings for All Existing Organizers.

  10. Click Submit.

To reset a role to the Live Meeting default

  1. On the My Home page, in the Administer section, click Account.

  2. On the Account Administration Home page, click Roles and Policies.

  3. On the Administer Roles and Policies page, next to the role name you want to reset, click the Edit icon.

  4. On the Edit Role page, click Reset.

  5. To reset the role only for new members, click Use these settings only for new [Role]s. To reset the role for all new and existing members, click Overwrite settings for All Existing [Role]s.

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