Try it!
With your files saved to OneDrive, you can create files and folders to manage your work.
Create a file in OneDrive
Select New and choose the type of file you want.
To rename the file, click the file name in the title bar, for example Document, and then type a name.
All changes are automatically saved in the Office online apps, so when you go back to OneDrive, your new file is already saved.
Create a file in an Office desktop app
Open a desktop app, like a Word, Excel , or PowerPoint.
Select File > Save As.
Select your OneDrive - Personal account.
Type a name for the file and select Save.
Create folders
Select New > Folder.
Type a name for the folder and select Create.
Select the files you want and drag them into the folder.
Want more?
Learn where to store, share, and sync your files
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