Thursday, August 5, 2021

Runmacro macro action

You can use the RunMacro macro action in Access databases to run a macro. The macro can be in a macro group.

Use this action:

  • To run a macro from within another macro.

  • To run a macro based on a certain condition.

  • To attach a macro to a custom menu or ribbon command.


The RunMacro macro action has the following arguments.

Action argument


Macro Name

The name of the macro to run. The Macro Name box in the Action Arguments section of the macro design window shows all macros (and macro groups) in the current database. If the macro is in a macro group, it's listed under the macro group name in the list as macrogroupname.macroname. This is a required argument.

If you run a macro containing the RunMacro macro action in a library database, Access looks for the macro with this name in the library database and doesn't look for it in the current database.

Repeat Count

The maximum number of times the macro will run. If you leave this argument blank (and the Repeat Expression argument is also blank), the macro runs once.

Repeat Expression

An expression that evaluates to True (–1) or False (0). The macro stops running if the expression evaluates to False. The expression is evaluated each time the macro runs.


If you enter a macro group name for the Macro Name argument, Access runs the first macro in the macro group.

This action is similar to clicking Run Macro on the Database Tools tab, selecting a macro, and clicking OK. However, this command runs the macro only once, whereas the RunMacro macro action can run a macro as many times as you want.


You can use the Repeat Count and Repeat Expression arguments to determine how many times the macro runs:

  • If you leave both arguments blank, the macro runs once.

  • If you enter a number for Repeat Count but leave Repeat Expression blank, the macro runs the specified number of times.

  • If you leave Repeat Count blank but enter an expression for Repeat Expression, the macro runs until the expression evaluates to False.

  • If you enter values for both arguments, the macro runs the number of times specified in Repeat Count or until Repeat Expression evaluates to False, whichever occurs first.

When you run a macro containing the RunMacro macro action, and it reaches the RunMacro macro action, Access runs the called macro. When the called macro has finished, Access returns to the original macro and runs the next action.


  • You can call a macro in the same macro group or in another macro group.

  • You can nest macros. That is, you can run macro A, which in turn calls macro B, and so on. In each case, when the called macro has finished, Access returns to the macro that called it and runs the next action in that macro.

To run the RunMacro action in a Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) module, use the RunMacro method of the DoCmd object.

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