Monday, January 13, 2020

View your assignments across classes in microsoft teams teacher

There are two places to view your upcoming, graded, and draft assignments. You can view them by class, or view them across all your classes. Selecting any assignment will allow you to grade it, make edits, or view the assignment from a student's perspective. 

View and sort assignments within one class

Navigate to the General channel in your class, then select Assignments

Select the Assignments tab in the General channel.

Tip: Use your search bar to search for an assignment by keyword.

Upcoming assignments

By default, your upcoming assignments will display by order of due date under the Assigned arrow. Scroll up or down to browse the list. Upcoming assignments are any with work left to grade, or assignments that are scheduled to assign later.

Selecting an assignment will open the grading pane, where you can grade work that students have turned in and return their work. Select Edit assignment to make changes to the assignment. Select Student view to preview the assignment from a student's perspective.

Grade, edit, or view an assignment from a student's perspective.

View graded and draft assignments

Select the dropdown arrows to view your draft and graded assignments.

Drafts, Assigned, and Graded dropdown arrows.  

Note: Assignments are considered "graded" when all of them have been returned to your students. When students turn in additional work, the assignment will appear in your Upcoming list again to notify you that there's work you haven't reviewed yet.

Graded assignment

Filter assignments by category

If you've added categories to your assignments, such as "Homework" or "Review," you can filter for them in your assignments list. 

To view all your assignments by one category, select Filter  Filter icon and choose the category you want to view.

Filter by assignment category.

View grades

View your completed and incomplete grading work by selecting View grades in the Assignments tab.

Select View grades.

In the grading view, use the arrows to flip through your assignments. Each card indicates if you have reviewed and returned work to all students, or if you have work left to review. Select an assignment's card to see more details or start grading.

View graded assignments.

The analytics dashboard displays a counter of how many students in your class have viewed and turned in an assignment so far. It also includes the number of assignments you have left to review. Select one of the fields to sort by it.

The analytics dashboard displays a counter of how many students have viewed work, turned it in, and how many assignments you have left to review.

View assignments across classes

To view assignments across all your classes, select Assignments from your app bar. Select an assignment to make edits or start grading. 

View all assignments.

Learn more

Review assignments

Create assignments

Additional resources for educators

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