Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Create New Member

Create New Member

Member Details

User ID. New member's Live Meeting user name.

Email Address. New member's e-mail address.

First Name. New member's first name.

Last Name. New member's last name.

Password. New member's Live Meeting password.

Password complexity requirements. Requirements for passwords, as set by the Administrator.

Confirm Password. Confirmation of the password.

Bill To. Billing code used by your organization to track Live Meeting usage.

Time Zone. New member's time zone.

Send Welcome E-mail. Sends E-mail to the new member with user name and password, along with information about Live Meeting and how to log on to Live Meeting Manager.

Note: When you create a member with the user role of Administrator, the member's password is not sent in the Welcome e-mail. You must communicate that information to the new member by some other means.

Member Privileges

Role. Configures default access to Live Meeting features based on user role.

  • Organizer. A Live Meeting user who is authorized to schedule meetings.

  • Member. A Live Meeting user who is authorized to view records and attend meetings, but not schedule them.

  • Account Administrator. A Live Meeting user who is authorized to make account-wide decisions.

Account Administration. Grants access rights of the Account Administrator role to this member.

Address Book. Allows this member to view the account address book.

Meeting Organization:

Meetings Types. Allows this member to schedule meetings or use Meet Now.

  • Meet Now Only. Allows this member to use Meet Now but not to schedule meetings.

  • Schedule Meeting and Meet Now. Allows this member to schedule meetings and use Meet Now.

Meeting Features:

App Sharing. Allows application sharing in meetings that are organized by this member.

  • Single Application Only. Allows sharing of only one application at a time in meetings that are organized by this member.

  • Desktop and Single Application. Allows sharing of the desktop or single applications in meetings that are organized by this member.

Print to PDF. Grants permission to print the content of meetings organized by this member.

  • All Participants. Allows all participants in meetings that are organized by this member to print the content of those meetings.

  • Presenters Only. Allows only Presenters in meetings that are organized by this member to print the content of those meetings.

Custom Frame. Allows the member to include a custom streaming media frame in the meetings that this member organizes.

Recording to server. Grants permission to record the content of meetings that are organized by this member to the Live Meeting service.

  • Manage Existing Recordings Only. Grants this member the right to manage existing recordings only.

  • Create and Manage Recordings. Grants this member the right to create and manage recordings.

Recording to participant's computer. Grants permission to record the content of meetings that are organized by this member to the participant's computer.

  • Allow Presenters to record. Grants presenters the right to record the meeting to their computers.

  • Create and Manage Recordings. Grants presenters the right to record the meeting to their computers, and allows them to grant attendees the right to record the meeting to their computers.

Easy Assist:

Allow creation of Easy Assist sessions. Allows the member to create Eassy Assist support sessions.

Member Groups

Available Groups. List of groups in the Live Meeting account to which this member can be added.

Add. Adds this member to the selected group.

Remove. Removes this member from the selected group.

User belongs to. Indicates the groups to which this member has been added.

Submit. Creates this member with the specified membership settings.

Cancel. Exits the Create New Member page without creating a new member.

If you want to grant Administrator rights to a new member, you should assign that new member the Account Administrator role. This is preferable to assigning the new member some other role, then granting that new member Administrator rights by using the Account Administration setting.

The settings granted to members can be overwritten at the user role level.

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