Thursday, December 21, 2017

Paste Special when copying from Excel

Paste Special when copying from Excel

Use the Paste Special dialog to copy complex items from a Microsoft Office Excel worksheet and paste them into the same worksheet or another Excel worksheet using only specific attributes of the copied data, or a mathematical operation that you want to apply to the copied data.

In this article




All     Pastes all cell contents and formatting of the copied data.

Formulas     Pastes only the formulas of the copied data as entered in the formula bar.

Values     Pastes only the values of the copied data as displayed in the cells.

Formats     Pastes only cell formatting of the copied data.

Comments     Pastes only comments attached to the copied cell.

Validation     Pastes data validation rules for the copied cells to the paste area.

All using Source theme     Pastes all cell contents in the document theme formatting that is applied to the copied data.

All except borders     Pastes all cell contents and formatting applied to the copied cell except borders.

Column widths     Pastes the width of one copied column or range of columns to another column or range of columns.

Formulas and number formats     Pastes only formulas and all number formatting options from the copied cells.

Values and number formats     Pastes only values and all number formatting options from the copied cells.

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Specify which mathematical operation, if any, that you want to apply to the copied data.

None    Specifies that no mathematical operation will be applied to the copied data.

Add    Specifies that the copied data will be added to the data in the destination cell or range of cells.

Subtract    Specifies that the copied data will be subtracted from the data in the destination cell or range of cells.

Multiply    Specifies that the copied data will be multiplied with the data in the destination cell or range of cells.

Divide    Specifies that the copied data will be divided by the data in the destination cell or range of cells.

Skip blanks     Avoids replacing values in your paste area when blank cells occur in the copy area when you select this check box.

Transpose     Changes columns of copied data to rows, and vice versa when you select this check box.

Paste Link     Links the pasted data on the active worksheet to the copied data.

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