Sunday, June 4, 2017

Web Conferencing Properties: Web Conferencing Edge Server

Web Conferencing Properties: Web Conferencing Edge Server

Use the Web Conferencing Edge Server tab to configure how your internal Web Conferencing Server sends outbound Web conferencing traffic to external users and receives inbound Web conferencing traffic originating from outside the intranet. On this tab, you specify the ports used to connect to the Web Conferencing Edge Server internal and external interfaces, as well as the internal and external fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) of each Web Conferencing Edge Server to which this server can connect. The ports you specify must be open on all Web Conferencing Edge Servers.

Note: These settings are automatically configured for you when you run the Configure Server or Pool wizard and configure your Enterprise pool or Standard Edition server for external user access, but you can use this tab to update the ports and FQDNs for Web Conferencing Edge Servers, as well as to add or remove FQDNs for a Web Conferencing Edge Server.

External port

Specify the port used to connect to the external interface of the Web Conferencing Edge Server. External users connect to the Web Conferencing Edge Server using this port. The default value is 443.

Internal port

Specify the port used to connect to the internal interface of the Web Conferencing Edge Server. Internal servers use this port to connect to the Web Conferencing Edge Server. The default value is 8057.

Web Conferencing Edge Server FQDNs

This list includes the internal and external FQDNs of each Web Conferencing Edge Server. You can use the buttons on this tab to add, edit, or remove FQDNs for each Web Conferencing Edge Server.


Click to add the internal and external FQDNs of a Web Conferencing Edge Server.


Click an entry in the list, and then click Edit to change an existing internal or external FQDN of a Web Conferencing Edge Server.


Click an entry in the list, and then click Remove to remove the selected internal and external FQDNs of a Web Conferencing Edge Server from the list.

Learn More Online

Click to expand or collapse

For details, see the Operations section of the Office Communications Server Technical Library.

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