Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Set and update task progress

Set and update task progress

Sharing out task progress doesn't have to involve complicated calculations. In Planner, it's simple. Tasks can be:

Not started    

In progress     In Progress

Completed     Completed

Sometimes you may need more than simple task progress:

Done with a task?

To quickly mark one of your tasks as Completed, point to it and select the check mark.

Mark a task as completed

Using a touch screen? If you're not using a mouse, you won't see the check box to mark something as completed. Instead, check out a few other ways to update progress.

Tip: Completed tasks are hidden at the bottom of the task list. Scroll down and choose Show completed.

Just getting started?

On the Board, select Group by > Progress, and then drag tasks between columns to quickly update your plan on the fly.

Drag tasks between columns

Other ways to update progress

For tasks that are already marked as In progress, you can also change status by selecting the In progress symbol In Progress on the task.

Choose progress on a task

You can also update task progress by selecting the task itself and changing it in the details.

Update progress in task details

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